Example sentences of "[was/were] see in [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 No viral inclusion bodies were seen in biopsies taken after treatment with gangcyclovir .
2 A few non-diploid cells between diploid and tetraploid fractions were seen in cases 3 , 4 , 5 , and 8 .
3 He realized the importance of kinship systems for the Indians and how for them most social relationships were seen in terms of who was the child of whom and who was married to whom .
4 A rather unsatisfactory marriage was glorified in his imagination by high-sounding comparisons between himself and Dante , while his largely innocent office romances — which do not appear to have gone much beyond crushes on secretaries — were seen in terms of Launcelot 's devotion to Guinevere and the threatened breaking of the Round Table .
5 The Arabs were seen in terms of oil , the Palestinian problem and terrorism , .
6 The roles of the researcher were seen in terms of helping to identify , study , and solve an educational problem , with the fullest collaboration .
7 Powerful public examples of this were seen in photographs taken after the death of the American president J.F. Kennedy who had become a great folk hero to the American people .
8 The greatest changes were seen in men .
9 The highest numbers were recorded in Sussex , where about 300 , possibly more , were seen in parties of up to 100 birds .
10 Chronic active duodenitis was diagnosed when intramucosal neutrophils were seen in patients scoring four or more .
11 In creating these files or databases , pupils go through an information handling process , as was seen in Chapters 5 and 6 .
12 Popular culture was seen in terms of a ‘ culture industry ’ that was not separate from what was becoming a ‘ one-dimensional ’ society .
13 The ideology 's appeal was seen in terms of its ability to solve problems of the individual 's experience .
14 Furthermore , the overall gain in time to progression and length of survival was seen in patients born with and without tumour related symptoms .
15 Furthermore , fundic argyrophil endocrine tumours developed in five of 17 — that is , 29.5% of patients with associated MEN 1 while none was seen in patients with sporadic type disease .
16 The increase in PGE 2 associated with Helicobacter pylori seems likely to be a consequence of the associated inflammatory cell infiltrate as it was seen in patients with type B ( chronic active ) but not with type C ( chemical ) gastritis , which is characterised by a paucity of inflammatory cells .
17 No initial peak was seen in costs in the under 5s and the increase up to the 75–84 age group was more gradual .
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