Example sentences of "[was/were] not [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 as if even my memories of work on the glass were not memories but fantasies and fancies .
2 In the second half of 1848 the Prussian ambassador was reporting to Berlin that St Petersburg 's main concerns were not revolution but a cholera epidemic , the expectation of a poor harvest and a shortage of cash .
3 There were no ‘ international affairs ’ , only relations between ruling dynasties ( who were not members or representatives of different nations , but part of a single class ) .
4 As the State Department and the White House both set crisis management operations in train , and President Bush urgently conferred with top officials , FMLN statements — that the guests , except for the armed Americans , were not hostages and were free to go as soon as a ceasefire was arranged — were almost ignored .
5 But of course these benefits did nothing for the increasing number of lone mothers who were not widows but who were unmarried or , more commonly , divorced or separated .
6 Most of these girls were not fiancées but daughters , come to join their parents ; the internal examinations were used to claim that they were too old to come as dependants .
7 The figures were not priests and worshippers , but actors and chorus in front of an audience .
8 I realised at the beginning of 1992 that we were not core and that we were to be disposed of — we had a very difficult year . ’
9 Kings had ‘ possessions ’ and ‘ subjects , ; the majority of subjects were not citizens and had no automatic rights .
10 He liked her ; but then , he was keen for me to go out with anyone , as long as they were not boys or Indians .
11 The air that stirred round their trunks seemed green , thick , rippling — as if it were not air but drifting water .
12 What were their motives , if they were not rapine and robbery ?
13 In the sixties my heroines were not Bardot or Monroe or Vivien Leigh , but Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies .
14 The Falangists , however , were not monarchists and their rhetoric , if not their ideology , was revolutionary , whereas the very raison d'être of the Carlists was monarchism and they were totally opposed to all revolutionary notions .
15 The main innovators of this transformation were not scientists but artists , especially Alberti , Brunelleschi and Leonardo , who created on their canvases and in their architecture and treatises a new conception of space .
16 In their eyes , they were not refugees but legal inhabitants of Palestine who were illegally exiled .
17 Suddenly , rough tumbles with Stan were not games but real trials of strength , with Ollie highly motivated to win .
18 Several other players , most notably Mo Johnston and Paul McStay had performed well below expectation but they were not keepers and somehow their footballing impotence was glossed over .
19 Remember that the ‘ players ’ in the tournament were not humans but computer programs , preprogrammed strategies .
20 And the sweetpapers were not sweetpapers but the cover from an expensive brand of chocolate .
21 As an alternative , he tried on occasions to tax them in assemblies which were not parliaments nor yet independent clerical gatherings , but he alarmed the clergy either by the writs which he used then or by the presence of his lay councillors at the meetings .
22 Contrary to what was to happen in the modern period ( and still continues ) , the first objects of trade were not logs but what are sometimes rather dismissively referred to as ‘ minor forest products ’ .
23 Most landowners were Zuwaya or their assignees : people who were not Zuwaya and who owned land were ( Zuwaya said ) either clients or descendants of Zuwaya slaves , or affines incorporated into the Zuwaya genealogy .
24 A man was crouching under his stroke , a child clinging to an altar beyond ; but they were not Priam and Astyanax .
25 I am saying that Lord Justice Woolf , who produced an authoritative report on prison riots and the improvement of prison conditions — admittedly , a report that does not recommend the one thing that the Home Secretary has chosen to do , but a report which the Home Secretary wrongly described as comprehensive — draws attention time after time to the simple fact that all prisons that rioted in 1990 and were the subject of the inquiry were so overcrowded that many of the proper duties that prisons should perform were not being and could not be performed .
26 In 1662 , after the restoration of the monarchy , a further law , the Act of Settlement , restricted the movement of those who were not freeholders or who could not afford a rent of £10 per year .
27 Suddenly all the political quarrels were forgotten and the French people decided that France 's honour was at stake and the two agents were not terrorists but national heroes .
28 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
29 This and a similar arrangement by Kenneth II for lands in Lothian came to be regarded by the English as an admission that Scottish rulers were not equals but vassals in relation not merely to a few specific regions but to the whole of Scotland — which had never been contemplated by the Scottish signatories .
30 The wild golden eyes and the pitiless faces of the naiads and dryads and hamadryads loomed over him , hands that were not hands but branches , reaching for him , pinioning him down .
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