Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv prt] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the time they reached adolescence children were out of parental control .
2 ’ He 'd hijack us before we were out of planetary speed ’ .
3 I think he were going for a , a month , a month and a half summat like that , and he said it were out of this world .
4 I agreed , so long as the houseman would assure me that he was out of immediate danger .
5 The hospital to which she was taken said she was out of immediate danger .
6 The the exercise of course was out of eight because I gave I gave you to do asking the questions to do which provided an answer .
7 On the amount of damages , Mr Lightman said the Court of Appeal had a special responsibility to bear in mind the ‘ dangerous precedent ’ which could be set by such awards , and added that in this case the award was out of all proportion to the alleged libel .
8 The thrill was out of all proportion to the event , of course , and serves only to reflect the overwhelmingly domesticated aspect of much British countryside , dominated as it is by cows and sheep , as well as some of what historian Keith Thomas has called ‘ our anti-urban bias ’ .
9 In fact , the number of left-wing activists was never large but their impact was out of all proportion to their numbers because they found new methods of protest which caught the imagination of much larger numbers .
10 Further down the street , the local baker would be telling his hapless visitors much the same story as their butcher : the cost of wheat was out of all control , and he was as sorry as they were that his prices were up , while their wages had held steady .
11 Institute Council member Douglas Llambias said the fine ‘ was out of all proportion to a guilty verdict ’ , and added that if the fines were capped , ‘ we should have been publicising that for the last 12 months .
12 Behind it sat a man whose physical appearance was out of all keeping with his professional stature .
13 These pressures led Sir John to speculate more than the scientific data allowed and the national reaction was out of all proportion to the real facts .
14 The British public gained an expectation that was out of all proportion to the facts .
15 Already the hyperbole was out of all proportion compared to the evidence .
16 He raised his arm to see its motion in the flesh of his thumb , and clamped his other hand around the base of the digit in the hope of stopping its further advance , gasping as though doused with ice-water. the pain was out of all proportion to the mite 's size , but he held both thumb and sobs hard , determined not to lose all dignity in front of his executioners .
17 Why should one pay a bill that was out of all proportion to the goods received ?
18 The publicity given to the company in the Seventies was out of all proportion to its size ; but magazine and newspaper editors recognized that Ashley shops and their products offered something quite new .
19 Suddenly he was out of all patience .
20 The Court of Appeal considered that the defendant 's response was out of all proportion to the alleged provocation but on appropriate facts contributory negligence could be relied on as a defence to battery .
21 The increase in output was out of all proportion to the growth of employment .
22 She wanted to see what there was out of that lanky half-window .
23 This was out of 329 volumes which were left after 150 titles were reported missing at the time of the 1865 review .
24 Once established , a royal commission was out of political control .
25 As an afterthought I have remembered that when I worked in London in the very early twenties I once went , in my lunch hour , to the Temperance Hospital and asked if I could visit a patient , though I knew it was out of visiting hours .
26 I was out of this conversation .
27 When she was out of this , she 'd check out a sexclone with a moustache like Bronson Manolo and a body like Stallone , rent herself some clean water and a whirlpool bath , and have herself a party and a half .
28 The Rocket Man 's performance was out of this world .
29 Vinny enthused : ‘ That goal was out of this world .
30 Time and again their commitment to doing a good job proved stronger than their commitment to looking good and it was out of this honesty that many of the insights ( if such they be ) in this book arose .
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