Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 The intentions behind the important reforms of 1988 were to tighten up the social security system in order to reduce the disincentives to work recognized as inherent in the poverty and unemployment ‘ traps ’ ( see Tables 16.7 and 16 .
2 The irony is that no VAT would be levied if hoteliers were to set up a separate sandwich bar business next to their property and handed out sandwiches and drinks .
3 Conversely , if a French broker were to set up a branch in London and was subject to those more relaxed French rules , the branch would equally be at a competitive advantage as against UK firms .
4 If that company were to set up a new pension scheme based on only 461 employees , the likelihood is that scheme would in no way match a scheme based on more than 10,000 members , as is the case with the Scottish Transport Group .
5 The rumour was that they were to give up the siege and have their contracts revoked before Christmas .
6 For as well as suggesting that if we were to give up the view that most actions are autonomous we should have to give up a great deal else as well , it asserts that this transformation of our attitudes is actually beyond us .
7 If I were to draw up a spec list of preferred bass amp facilities , the resulting layout would probably look similar to the Hartke 's : uncluttered and functional .
8 If you were to draw up the specification for the ideal material for electronic engineering , I guess it would be something combining the properties of the perfect conductor , the perfect insulator and the ideal semiconductor .
9 He was one of the seven magnates whose confederation in April 1258 began the revolution ; he was one of the baronial twelve who were to draw up the plans of reform ; and he was one of the council of fifteen set up by the Provisions of Oxford to govern England in the king 's name .
10 If the Labour Party were to build up an effective electoral machine , its leaders argued such controversial activities would have to be abandoned in the interests of widening popular support .
11 From this vantage point they were to keep up a steady rifle fire on the sepoys advancing over the open ground until they heard the first ringing of the Church bell .
12 By that date , he was an ailing man , and apart from his routine duties , his first tasks were to clear up the muddles of the last few years and re-establish an acceptable procedure for future episcopal elections , investitures , and acts of homage .
13 If she were to climb up the hillock and semaphore with her flags the signals would be clearly outlined against the sky .
14 There is no tort or crime , as there would be if the police were to beat up the suspect or wrongly apprehend him or her in the first place .
15 Of course , if we were to add up the term in every market/island in the economy we would have the answer zero — the markets with below-average demand cancel out those with above-average demand .
16 This time we were to follow up the three months with a twelve-week season at the Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven , Connecticut .
17 It was the random collisions melding the rocky substances , plus turbulent accretions , that were to make up the inner planets .
18 If we were to wind up the POWs fund and pay out the money once and for all to all POWs that we could find , we could run into severe problems in the next 10 to 15 years as these chaps get very old and need help even more .
19 In general the effect of the Commission 's inflated purchasing ability was to drive up the price of land in the borders .
20 But I could n't remember where the turn off was to come up the scenic route .
21 He said one of their main hopes was to tighten up the law on fire precautions in flats .
22 The drawing , along with various sketches of joints and fixings was sent to the church architects whose only alteration was to square up the curved top member to line up with the bottom panels .
23 it 's a very sad day for me with my last test flight , I started here in nineteen eighty three and my first job was to clean up the station after the air show
24 His intention was to pick up the 18,000 troops assembled in the area behind Quiberon known as the Morbihan and transport them to Scotland , as the first stage of the great invasion plan .
25 His only answer was to pick up the knife and hand it to me .
26 What Blake did was to set up a very clever cover story which would pre-empt any subsequent accusations that he was in touch with the Russians .
27 His idea was to set up a self-contained base inland from the coastal plain from which they could raid on an almost nightly basis .
28 Their idea was to set up a cooperative to supply computer skills to voluntary groups and other co-ops , and to develop new software for the purpose .
29 David tells about his night-time television viewing being interrupted by a prompting to pray ; then of several trips to New York all with no clear understanding that he was to set up a programme for those involved in drug abuse .
30 What they needed , they decided , was to set up a nursery themselves to gain a corporate reputation .
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