Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My hypothesis is that there is a space for a socialist argument in favour of investment planning ; that such an argument could be presented in such a way as to appeal to organised labour and even to broader strata of the population concerned about employment prospects and their standard of living in retirement ; that if organised workers were to support the proposal they could use their union organisation to press for social accountability of their savings funds ; and that if the proposals were not linked to a ‘ dogmatic ’ pursuit of nationalisation they would stand a chance of recruiting some support from the more progressive elements of the state and corporate salariat — those whose technical expertise would be required in any such project , even if it is overlaid with oppressive ‘ professional ’ and ‘ managerial ’ ideologies — helping to isolate , so far as possible , reactionary financier elements .
2 Although the decent instinct of many was to support the weaker side in a wholly legitimate quest for independence , their public utterances , alas , were to support the side which in their view was the more important to British interests .
3 Thus , despite several unscheduled sessions of talks between the two leaders , the only concessions offered by Gorbachev during the course of his visit were to acknowledge the nature of the dispute , to promise a reduction in the level of Soviet forces stationed in the territories — currently one 10,000-strong army division and 40 MiG-23 aircraft — and to allow visa-free travel between Japan and the disputed islands .
4 It was also announced that the MoD were to optimise the development value of Hullavington , probably offering it for a large housing development .
5 Conversely , if United States shippers were to sue the carriers in Great Britain , where most of the sources of information on the defendants ' diligence and assets were located , they would be bound by exemption clauses that the United States courts had voided .
6 If the content of a putatively infallible belief is merely that things are looking that way to me now , there is clearly less room for error than if I were to risk the belief that that way is pink .
7 And if it meant that Senna were to lose the championship , then the legal ramifications would be far-reaching .
8 Events were to confirm the bishops ' implied intent to oppose the granting of divorce as a civil right .
9 During the first few days that Mr Reynolds was in hospital the main aims of his care were to confirm the diagnosis of carcinoma of the rectum , and to ensure that both Mr and Mrs Reynolds understood the implications of this .
10 But Clive Lawton , head of educational services , said there was still a long way to go , and he warned against being carried away with a good idea if it were to impoverish the rest of the scheme .
11 The northern fens were to remain the preserve of fishers and fowlers for another 150 years .
12 Civil rights were to include the freedom to join labour unions , the right to strike and the right to expect equal opportunity in employment irrespective of gender , race or creed .
13 By 1513 , the dispute had grown to such proportions that , before the Battle of Flodden , when James IV challenged the Earl of Surrey to single-handed combat to decide their two nations ' grievances , the rewards to the victor were to include the return of the town of Berwick to Scotland , and the removal of the Esk fish garth .
14 Even if we were to include the value attributed to armaments in PP4 we would only arrive at a total of 21,019 .
15 Six of the Whitleys were to carry the men — thirty five paratroops of No. 2 Commando — and the other two to bomb Foggia to create a diversion .
16 The Justices of the Forest were to drive the deer from all disafforested districts into the remaining forests during the forty days after disafforestment : after the expiration of that time places put out of the forest were to be exempt from the operation of the Forest law .
17 French interests , on the other hand , were to see the break-up of that empire and King Philip Augustus , therefore , supported the Staufen cause and the candidature of Philip of Swabia .
18 Detective Chief Superintendent Wycliffe and his wife , Helen , were to see the spectacle for the first time ; they were spending a long weekend with the Ballards , who lived on the moor above the town .
19 If , in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , the scales were to fall from Connie 's eyes and she were to see the worship of Mellor 's phallus for what it is , a means of subordinating and oppressing women , she could free herself and develop her authentic will , ego and individuality .
20 Over the next few years we were to see the terminal in all its stages of construction on our various visits to Scapa Flow and we were to become very familiar with Flotta not only in the earlier days , but later when the terminal was operational and our crews began their real work of checking the large tankers .
21 Tyson 's past had come back eerily to haunt him — this time not in street violence but in the way Desiree Washington , a competitor in the Miss America Pageant accused him of the crimes that were to see the world heavyweight champion 's status reduced to that of a common criminal .
22 She must be careful to betray it as little as possible if the interview were to go the way she wanted .
23 The club 's pivot was the drama : its master was Leo Lloyd — the second of those men who were to promote the career of so many boys and girls from the Afan valley .
24 The aims then , as now , were to promote the use of the Heart of Wales line and railways in general , and to liaise with BR and other rail user groups with similar aims .
25 While Hacking had accepted joint responsibility for this organisational blueprint , his own instincts were to preserve the independence of the chief engineer 's department from Self 's administrative control as much as possible .
26 The management became worried that if the calls for encores were to continue the opera , with its three ballets , lasting six hours , would be so long that the nobility would not be home in time for supper .
27 For example , if a breach were to affect the profitability of the Business , it would be unfair to compensate the Purchaser by simply paying back the lost profits when the Purchaser has paid a price calculated by reference to a multiple of profits .
28 His will is an eloquent testimony of how conventional he was in his views — requiring Requiem Masses and prayers in perpetual memory of himself and of his family — and of how little he foresaw ( for how could he ? ) the changes which were to affect the church — and his bequests — during the next century with the coming of the Reformation .
29 Two hundred soldiers , assisted by thousands of transmigrasi , were to round the elephants up over a 390 sq .
30 The HRC and the new government were to implement the programme .
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