Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Criteria were divided between two types : primary ( child care ) criteria which concentrated on assessing familial circumstances likely to pertain if a child were to remain at home ; and secondary ( disclosure ) criteria which either substantiated or refuted children 's and young people 's disclosures .
2 Although descriptions of these defences on Atlantic and North Sea coastlines could in pal t be gleaned from aerial photographs , much lay hidden ; as the Canadians were to find at Dieppe .
3 The Hurricanes were to land at Hal Far aerodrome and I circled that aerodrome until I had seen them all land safely .
4 If Paul or Erlend or I were to die at Siward 's hand , you would feet as he does .
5 To this end , she hired two young graduates as her personal assistants , who were to live at Rhydoldog .
6 Executives at the Ford of Britain headquarters at Brentwood in Essex have undoubtedly already looked into the future and examined what would happen if car production were to end at Dagenham .
7 Even if , for the sake of argument , one were to take at face value the Lucas hypothesis that an unanticipated increase in the money supply raises the notional supply of labour , what incentive do employers have to take on any extra labour ?
8 The starting date of the crusade was fixed for Lent 1190 when both Kings and Richard were to muster at Vézelay .
9 The chairman of British Coal was asked whether every colliery would remain open if it were to produce at 130p per gigajoule .
10 To discover how cost-effective it was to sustain at home people who were judged likely to have been in an institution had it not been for the project 's services .
11 I was glad to accept the honour not so much for myself but for the cutter service as a whole when it was confirmed that I was to attend at Buckingham Palace the following summer .
12 It was to be the last triumph Chapman was to see at Elland Road , for in the summer of 1916 he took a managerial job at a munitions factory at Barnbow , near Leeds .
13 Judge then my feelings when the first face I was to see at Jo'burg airport was the self-same Second Secretary , delighted that he had again been honoured with an important secret mission .
14 Provost Gibson McDonald , of Kyle and Carrick District Council , said he was very pleased that Digital was to remain at Ayr .
15 During the many years it was to remain at Scampton R5868 was maintained and also given the occasional coat of paint .
16 The Belfry was cold and wet , which gave us a taste of what was to come at Lytham .
17 I was to serve at St Michael 's church , Kemmendine , a suburb of Rangoon , where there was a parish church , a teachers ' training school and a blind school .
18 And so to recap , my ambition was to look at Blackwomen 's Creativity across a spectrum of activities including fine art , childbearing , opera , theatre etc .
19 Mr Willis said the next stage was to look at design development and engineering performance .
20 It was Sunday and Mark was working on the address he was to give at Trinity College , Dublin .
21 Keast , who was just able to recall the Jubilee celebrations for George III in 1810 taking place at the Bullers ' home at Shillingham , was to officiate at Queen 's Victoria 's Golden Jubilee celebrations in 1887 at the age of 84 .
22 William Cobbett poured scorn on ‘ Pitt 's ditch ’ , asking if a 30-foot-wide canal was to keep at bay an army which had crossed the Rhine and the Danube .
23 Group 1 was to land at Hollevik on the island 's south shore , to clear a known defence point and villages a mile to a mile and a half from the town of South Vaagsö , and then move in support of Group 2 , which was to land just south of the town and capture it .
24 Another route was to start at Selby Road , the Croydon boundary and proceed along Croydon Road and Green Lane , Penge where it met a small enclave of Beckenham before the Lewisham Boundary .
25 In the light of what we in our omniscience now know of Falkenhayn 's intentions , and of the hideous tragedy that was to ensue at Verdun , we may say that France should not have decided to hold the city at all costs .
26 There he found a moment of illusory tranquillity with his stepdaughter and her two sons , before setting out on the journey which was to end at Saint Helena .
27 This accident … it was to get at Jack , right ?
28 The horse was to stay at Dunure and the men were to continue as joint owners .
29 By mid-April German soldiers were complaining in letters home of the high casualties suffered by their ration parties ; ‘ many would rather endure hunger than make these dangerous expeditions for food ’ General von Zwehl whose corps was to stay at Verdun , without relief , during the whole ten months the battle lasted , speaks of a special ‘ kind of psychosis ’ that infected his men there .
30 All these things , and other trifles light as air , took their place in the murder investigation that was to begin at Burleigh School on Thursday night .
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