Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They would turn in their graves if they knew that we were allowing employees to simply give twelve weeks ' notice of intent to change those conditions .
2 They were kneeling back to back , their buttocks touching , and each with one end of the double-headed dildo still embedded securely in her gaping twat .
3 At that time several scholars , notably William Hoskins and Maurice Beresford , were drawing attention to the large number of deserted medieval settlements which could be seen in the landscape .
4 However , there was substantial US Congressional opposition to a free trade pact with Mexico ; the US unions and the citrus and textile industries were drawing attention to the job losses which such an agreement could entail for the USA , while environmental groups lobbied to warn of the implications of Mexico 's less stringent controls on industry .
5 Ken Bradshaw and I were singing songs to one another like a pair of humpback whales .
6 Putting his left arm round Donald 's shoulder , he took advantage of his first relaxation from the spasm of pain , to raise the glass to his lips , push his head back and , as if he were administering medicine to Maisie , roll the fluid past the perfectly kept teeth .
7 The carts had been moved to one side , and now slaves were attaching torches to the arched wooden frames .
8 By 5pm , the bridal pair were speeding south to the Princess 's Gatcombe Park estate in the Cotswolds .
9 He smiled at her and said , ‘ Buenos dias , señorita , ’ as blithely as if he were bringing breakfast to her room in a Costa del Sol hotel .
10 The ‘ yokel ’ became ‘ less of a lout ’ , the dairymaid became ‘ indistinguishable from her urban counterpart ’ , and in general these ‘ youths and maidens ’ were becoming party to world-wide conversations ' .
11 They were causing distress to the firm 's staff and amounted to a nuisance .
12 Among those whom the author singled out for praise were Edward III , who recalled his victory against the French at Sluys in June 1340 by introducing a fighting ship onto the noble of England , and Henry V , who built great ships and dealt firmly with those who were causing trouble to English shipping .
13 You were pushing film to the limits , working at 3200 asa .
14 Others thus jammed beside her were shouting questions to those before them , and craning to peer over their heads .
15 Firms like ICI or Ford might , as in earlier years , have been able to build larger or more technically advanced sets for their own electricity supplies , but faced with the same shortages of steel and skilled men as the supply industry , they were now less inclined to branch out in this way , particularly as the BEA were selling electricity to them at prices based on historic costs , even though the new power stations were costing more .
16 Soon they were selling goods to Faccenda 's customers at lower prices , operating along the same routes as Faccenda and generally making calls earlier in the week than Faccenda .
17 There were also persistent reports that Czechoslovak arms manufacturers were selling weapons to the Yugoslav federal forces , in contravention of UN policy .
18 On one such occasion , when the head keeper and a young man were leading Joicey to safety , Joicey turned to the youngster and inquired : ‘ Have you the Gaelic , lad , have you the Gaelic ? ’
19 Unless we were adding value to the constituent parts of the group it seemed to us that our plain duty would be to break the group into smaller constituent parts and hand them back to the shareholders .
20 In all schools studied , there was a greater voluntary use by pupils , and more teachers were directing pupils to the library for purposes of retrieval and research , and in all schools , informants acknowledged an increased awareness of county library services with the use of the County Topic Loan Service also increasing since project involvement .
21 Since most of the money being offered was raised through Federal taxation , especially income tax , these mechanisms were being used to try and ensure that State governments did operate the welfare programmes seen as desirable by the Federal government ; if they did not , then their residents were paying taxes to Washington , but receiving relatively little in return .
22 suggested that they were paying lip-service to the wider social norms of tolerance , which conflicted with their inner psychological motives .
23 Ten of his ‘ Wares crept over the ramparts in the night and before we knew what we were at they were holding swords to our throats as we sat at our wine .
24 I first started to go when they were getting promotion to the second division the last few matches in the third division .
25 In the wake of the riots , the federal Centers for Disease Control announced they were sending investigators to Los Angeles to ‘ help local health officials chart the epidemiology of the riots ’ , as the press release put it .
26 The funds were often borrowed by speculators who then reinvested them in strong currencies in the expectation of revaluations , a hideous spiral by which central banks were providing funds to speculators who stood to make a profit from them if the currency was revalued .
27 A bear had broken loose amongst the stews ; a whore was being whipped outside the gates of St Thomas 's Hospital ; two butchers who had sold putrid meat were riding back to back on some old nag , their hands tied behind them , the rotten offal they had sold fastened tightly under their noses .
28 Warm dark eyes were subjecting Caroline to a friendly appraisal .
29 SUMMERCHILD : Actually , I do feel a little as if I were coming face to face with my past in some kind of way .
30 did anyone you spoke to during the time you were recording object to being recorded ?
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