Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] then the " in BNC.

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1 ( If more volume really were needed then the direct outputs could be fed to a stereo power amp and then to additional speakers , but I 'm sure Marshall have aimed the S80 at a specific player who would find its volume adequate and who , if he or she needed more , would probably upgrade to a more powerful Marshall product . )
2 If grammar schools were introduced then the existing comprehensives would suffer . ’
3 For the managers , if the case for absolution from competitive tendering were lost then the strategy for Banstead was rendered non-viable .
4 If Berowne were murdered then the killing was premeditated .
5 If dividends were paid then the dividends would derive from assets comprised in the settlement .
6 Although communists were a nuisance it was fascist anti-semitism which caused the real headache ; if this were outlawed then the problem would be removed .
7 The focus of change was organisational arrangements , in the sanguine belief that if the framework of the school was altered then the processes of education which it enshrined would also alter to support a strong definition of equality of opportunity .
8 Or if she was torn then the doctor would come er and stitch her up .
9 If however , a student achieves a level different from that which was anticipated then the centre should notify the National Certificate Unit , SCOTVEC , for the attention of the Education Officer ( Validation/Moderation ) and adjustments will be made to individual registrations .
10 I think if the end user was known then the end user is perfectly capable of submitting a planning application .
11 A report in the Middle East Economic Digest of July 13 stated that if prices held at the July 3 level ( $16.03 per barrel of Brent and $13.75 per barrel of Dubai crude ) then Iraq 's current-account deficit for 1990 would be US$3,500 million ; however , if the OPEC reference price of $18 a barrel , introduced in 1987 , was achieved then the 1990 deficit would be halved .
12 If the line of the Gallery was maintained then the exit to La Scala would have been equally off line .
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