Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The larger troops , plausibly , were developed as protection from diurnal predators .
2 Correlation coefficients were calculated as Spearman rank correlations and comparison between the two methods by the sign test .
3 The 1851 Census shows that in Church Coniston , the township which supplied most of the labour for the mine , there were 370 children between the ages of 5 and 15 , of whom 76.6 per cent were listed as scholars only .
4 The moreover , includes mention of a certain number of scholars of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries who were known chiefly as muftis : for example , Molla Bahaeddin omer and the three following scholars , all listed under the ulema of the time of Bayezid I , about none of whom , however , is much more information given than that " he was consulted in matters [ involving ] fetvas in his time " ( Taskopruzade ) or " he became mufti " and , indeed , in the case of these scholars it is simply not deducible in what way they were recognized as muftis , whether simply by popular acclaim or rather by some sort of official recognition .
5 Because of these common anatomical and behavioural features lampreys and hagfishes were thought to be most closely related to one another among the modern fauna and were recognized as cyclostomes ( Fig. 2A , a ) .
6 Rocks , trees , mountains , wells and springs were recognized as receptacles for spirit , displaying in season their various properties , fertilizing , therapeutic and oracular …
7 Malaria was known to be associated with marshes : it was often called marsh fever , but the connection was not understood until certain mosquitoes were recognized as carriers of the disease and as alternative hosts of plasmodia .
8 Reservoirs at Sulby and Naseby , both in valleys of feeders to the Avon , were completed as part of the main construction programme in 1914 and 1921 respectively ; the head of Naseby was raised in 1934 and ‘ New Sulby ’ , better known as Welford Reservoir , came into use in 1837 .
9 Applied geology mapping Engineering geological interpretations of the soils and rocks of the Wrexham and Stoke-on-Trent areas were completed as part of the applied geological mapping of these areas for the Department of the Environment .
10 Both these numbers were given as part of a short questionnaire about their driving histories .
11 The choice of the first ( ‘ Shakespeare 's Sister ’ ) and the timing of the second ( ‘ That Joke Is n't Funny Anymore ’ ) , already available on ‘ Meat Is Murder ’ , coupled with a lack of airplay were given as reasons for their failure .
12 Cell lines , derived from transformed foci that were induced by CC-M2 , CC-M3 , CC-M4 , were designated as CC-M2T , CC-M3T , CC-M4T respectively .
13 In one critical sense none of the new policy-making affected the CNAA : its purpose remained to validate degrees and other awards in institutions other than universities — whether or not they were designated as polytechnics .
14 The training of trainers , programme evaluation and staff development were regarded as areas requiring further attention by many respondents .
15 Soil erosion was not helped by the over-stocking of cattle which were regarded as wealth , and essential for paying " lobola " or bride-price .
16 A leaked World Bank internal report shows that more than one-third of Bank-funded projects completed in 1991 were regarded as failures by the Bank 's own staff .
17 It looked at 1,800 projects in 113 countries , for which the Bank had lent US$138,000 million , and found that 37.5 per cent of the projects were regarded as failures , compared to 15 per cent in 1981 and 30 per cent in 1989 .
18 At Sketch-Club meetings his witticisms were regarded as part of the fun .
19 The breakdown of CENTO and SEATO were regarded as part of a historical process which paralleled the emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower with its own ‘ legitimate interests ’ in the Third World .
20 This is partly because fishing rights erm were written in erm to the , to the European Community system erm as part of in a sense the agricultural policy , erm because they were regarded as part of food policy , and it was thought that you must have , if you 're going to have a common agricultural policy , and that was one of the important points erm of the negotiations for setting up the European Community , then a common fisheries policy went alongside with that .
21 By the early ninth century at the latest , the kings of the first dynasty of Gwynedd were regarded as descendants of Cunedda from Manau Gododdin ( the plain of the Votadini between the Rivers Avon and Carron ) in the territory of the Votadini ( HB ch. 62 ) .
22 The suspicion must be that for all their draconian nature , Hitler 's comments on the Jews were regarded as stereotype repetition , and of little interest compared with his assessment of the war situation .
23 Bone-setters were regarded as witch doctors by orthodox Irish medical men , but were never without a clientele , human or animal .
24 Since the tomato , being a member of the Solanaceae tribe which includes also the poisonous nightshades , was long regarded as a dangerous if not actually deadly fruit ( the potato and the aubergine , also of the Solanaceae family , have in their time suffered from the same associations ) presumably the mixture of vinegar and spices used in the early sauces were regarded as safety-devices against the possibly toxic effects of the fruit itself .
25 Now that herbal usage has been revived so much in other disciplines , the definition has expanded to include plants usually grown nowadays for garden ornament , such as the Christmas rose ( Helleborus niger ) , marigold ( Calendula ) and the Florentine iris ; plants which were regarded as weeds , such as tansy , comfrey , yarrow and herb robert , but are being treated with respect as their usefulness for all sorts of reasons is realized again ; and plants which supply dyes , cosmetics , insect repellents and fragrances .
26 This would not count as decoding unless muscular activity and other outputs were regarded as translations out of ‘ impulses ’ into an interpreted language .
27 The youngest of these was a girl of six ; the other 's ranged up to the age of 12 , after which it seems , they were regarded as adult .
28 Finally , before leaving the harmful insects , mention must be made of horrid little blighters that for long were regarded as exceptions to the normal methods of control .
29 The patterns of appointment were rarely canonical , yet of the bishops considered , five — Quintianus , Gallus , Avitus , Praeiectus and Bonitus — were regarded as saints .
30 His visits were regarded as occasions for embarrassment rather than pleasure or consolation , and he was left wondering why , when his motives were generous , these people should find it so difficult to respond with a matching warmth .
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