Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 It is believed that the great bluestones of which Stonehenge is constructed were floated up the Wiltshire Avon .
2 As tasks were broken down the office became like a production line for mental work .
3 The burdens were carried on the back , the weight being supported by a tump-line across the forehead .
4 Survey ships were carried on the Navy List , but Navy personnel remained aboard on sufferance only .
5 Passengers had perforce to ride , and goods were carried on the backs of packhorses or mules .
6 Amongst the curiosities was a series of Tradescant portraits , which were hung on the gallery walls .
7 His jackets were hung on the backs of chairs , his triumphantly acquired groceries were stacked in the sitting-room , his cigar butts filled the ashtrays and his glasses had made rings on the surface of the poolside table .
8 The last straw was located about 10 or 15ft from safety , at which handholds seemed to disappear altogether and aching feet were scrunched up the tiniest of ripples .
9 ‘ The first week , they plodded up the stairs and when we took them out for the day they were wiped out the next .
10 The two were never in danger and were helped down the trail by the men whose job it is to protect all presidents and vice-presidents .
11 Before the New World was discovered and Australian resources were opened up the only source of opals known was situated in the Libanka and Simonka mountains north of Kosice in eastern Slovakia .
12 The two songs were played back the next day by the tired twosome .
13 Last March a small flock of advanced to expert skiers were herded down the most terrifying terrain in Chamonix by Nigel Shepherd .
14 In the ensuing mêlée , McLaren , Reid and others of the Pistols camp were dragged up the gangplank and into the waiting police vans .
15 Scoring : A the end of the 50 experimental trials , all reaction times were crossed out the response sheet for incorrect answers , excluding them from further analysis .
16 I have some illustrative figures in front of me erm which I I thought a question of this nature might , might crop up , erm th the figures are n't absolutely accurate , they were pulled off the file very quickly and er they may be out by er er er er a small amount , but they , they certainly illustrate the point .
17 Such was their condition — they were pulled off the ice last week ‘ more dead than alive ’ — that Sir Ranulph and Dr Stroud were off to the Army Personnel Research Establishment for tests on the way their bodies held up to it all .
18 In the kinds of society in which most of my readers were brought up the coding of behaviour presupposes a sharp division between what goes on within the household and transactions which link the household to the rest of society .
19 Its annual fairs and three weekly markets brought sellers and purchasers from miles around and goods from overseas were brought up the river Ouse right into the heart of the city , York remained one of the leading provincial centres , despite its decline to less than 8,000 people in the 1520s after the collapse of its cloth industry and the decay of its overseas trade .
20 Although criminal proceedings were brought in the Alexander Howden case , no prosecutions have followed the PCW affair where $50 million was siphoned away from Lloyds ' investors , and related underwriting losses were estimated at 230 million .
21 Indictments on fraud charges were brought in the United States ( i ) on July 1 against Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz , chief operating officer of the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia ; ( ii ) on July 29 against Clark Clifford ( US Defence Secretary in 1968-69 ) and Robert Altman ; and ( iii ) on Sept. 17 against William Batastini , Ghaith Pharaon , Tariq Jamil and Swaleh Naqvi [ see also pp. 38569 ; 38737 ] .
22 The rebels briefly took control of much of Dushanbe on Oct. 25 , including the parliament , the presidential palace , the main mosque and the broadcasting facilities , but were driven out the following day by government forces .
23 To the west of the Ticino lay the high Alps , and those entering Italy from that direction were funnelled down the Aosta valley towards Mediolanum .
24 For almost twenty years after that various proposals were run up the flagpole , mostly to unsaluting generals .
25 Central Gully on Great End kept up its yearly performance when the cornice collapsed with a climber attached ( Sunday , March 3 ) — he and his partner were swept down the gully ( unfortunately one was rather badly hurt ) picking four others up en-route .
26 MAJOR-GENERAL Michael Skinner , who has died aged 60 , was Director General , Weapons , from 1986 to 1988 , when many important decisions were taken on the future equipment of the Army .
27 On 7 October there began the debate on the revised version of the document on the missionary activity of the Church , and on 11 October votes were taken on the schemas on religious life and priestly formation in the seminaries .
28 If it appears that the original decisions were taken on the basis of assumptions which have not stood the test of time it is as well to re-run the exercise .
29 The readings were taken on the right arm of the seated subject after a minimum of 10 minutes ' rest .
30 As working volunteers of a fraternal railway we were taken on the strength of the Llangollen railway for the day , and , clad in our reflective waistcoats , we were conducted along the track , first on foot , then on the ‘ Neptune ’ , a diesel track inspection vehicle .
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