Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A UN Security Council resolution adopted unanimously on Nov. 25 noted that the meetings had not achieved their goal " in particular because certain positions adopted by the Turkish Cypriot side were fundamentally at variance with the Set of Ideas " , and urged the parties to adopt a series of confidence-building measures recommended by the Secretary-General .
2 Will and I were mostly at home in Stratford in the summers .
3 Dr Nigel Paul , a Lancaster biologist now in the third year of a research programme funded by the Department of the Environment , said yesterday that preliminary research suggested crops such as barley , peas , cauliflower , sprouts and broccoli were most at risk .
4 This information could be used to help practitioners — such as doctors and social workers — predict which children were most at risk from abuse , or further abuse , and target their intervention in the appropriate places .
5 Paradoxically , it was the grain-surplus areas which were most at risk of severe deprivation and periodic famine .
6 At a time when forces were inexorably at work in Britain itself to produce the bureaucratic form of government we know today , there flourished in the empire a governing ethos which , with its emphasis on character rather than training in its practitioners , its primitive notions of justice , its exaltation of the autonomous agent unhindered by outside control , its demand for loving awe from the governed , was unmistakably the product of an earlier age .
7 He attracted children and men , but women were less at ease with him .
8 People in the countryside in central and southern Somalia were especially at risk .
9 Because of their proximity to the giant Shelton Steelworks these were obviously at risk .
10 The wives were normally at home and therefore within earshot when assistance was needed .
11 They have claimed that Sarah and Jane were barely troubled by the divorce as they were away at school , that Charles , aged four , was too young to understand while Diana , then seven , reacted to the break up with ‘ the unthinking resilience of her age ’ or even regarded it as ‘ fresh excitement ’ in her young life .
12 When Frances arrived at her new home , to be followed weeks later by her children and their nanny , she had every hope that the children would be relatively unaffected by her marital breakdown , especially as Sarah and Jane were away at boarding-school .
13 ‘ You were away at college .
14 But while the men were away at war , the rule was relaxed .
15 I understood in Committee that they were already at work .
16 The Heath and Maudling camps were already at work ; but then Enoch Powell let it be known that he too would be running .
17 Anne and Maureen were already at home .
18 When Frederick attacked the Empress Maria Theresa in 1740 to snatch the province of Silesia from her , Britain and Spain were already at war , and there were two or three areas where France and Britain were likely to clash , though Macaulay was quite right to underline the world-wide dimensions of the struggle .
19 Morality was for the laity , whose life was dominated by the battle against mortal sin , and who therefore lived under the threat of hell and were always at risk .
20 Most families , especially the young and old , were always at risk from hypothermia in the winter .
21 but erm he was on about certain aspects that he picked up from her , but having been in gypsy caravans round here , as when they were on Line Brook you see we were always at Line Brook for one reason or another
22 They challenged Leakey 's conclusions because these conclusions were totally at variance with their own firm beliefs , to wit modern man is directly descended from Australopithecus .
23 Although France and Great Britain were technically at peace , constant clashes occurred between their forces both on sea and on land .
24 The resulting Peace of Kallias of 449 did not , however , affect the diplomatic position of Sparta , and it is easy to be misled by the Athens-centred character of the written sources and forget that Sparta and Persia were technically at war right down to 412 BC .
25 Further , women felt a responsibility to remain locked into that system of kin support in a way not replicated for men , who were more at liberty to ‘ get better jobs , migrate , emigrate and abrogate all responsibility for parents and siblings ’ ( ibid .
26 The shorter men were more at risk because they had less efficient lung function compared with the taller men , according to the researchers at The Royal Free Hospital , north London .
27 Young people , black people and men were more at risk from burglary , particularly if they lived in the Mildmay area For theft from the person , women are in general more at risk than men , blacks are more likely to be victimised than whites and the risk of victimisation decreases with age .
28 There is no suggestion that passengers are or were more at risk on buses in Lothian than elsewhere : the level of casualties was simply the result of more bus trips being made .
29 — A National Radiological Protection Board report published on Tuesday said there was no clear evidence to suggest people exposed to electromagnetic fields were more at risk from cancer .
30 A greater proportion of Welsh boys than girls seemed to be trying drugs , although figures from the Wirral suggested that girls were more at risk there .
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