Example sentences of "[is] seen by the " in BNC.

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1 This is indicative of how the development of local knowledge is seen by the neighbourhood men as a key measure of their competence and effectiveness , as it was with the section police .
2 In the short run this new body is seen by the Commission as a useful means of delaying or diverting the application of countries such as Austria which want to belong to the inner core of the 12 European Community states .
3 For there can be no doubt that Expressive behaviour as understood by Tormey — a state of emotional arousal in a person relating prepositionally to an object ( or person ) outside that person — is seen by the Stanislavskian School as a proper way for an actor to behave on stage .
4 That the policy is not restricted to increasing the knowledge of parents of pupils is seen by the access provisions under the various Regulations .
5 Geothermal power ( heat from rocks ) is a technology that is still undergoing research in this country and which is seen by the Government as an energy longshot .
6 Often the client is seen by the most junior doctors , who rely on the sister 's expertise to dress the wound .
7 If a laying cuckoo is seen by the hosts it is vigorously mobbed and chased and , more importantly from the cuckoo 's point of view , its egg is more likely to be ejected .
8 That we do not treat animals with at least the same respect that we treat such unfortunate human creatures is seen by the liberationists as ‘ speciesism ’ in its purest form based as it is only upon the anatomical difference .
9 The specialist placement agencies have pioneered this work and certainly my own study , and those of research colleagues looking at other agencies , have shown that the model that they have pioneered is seen by the families and the children as appropriate .
10 Nevertheless , in this society any child who has the slightest taint of black is seen by the majority as black .
11 But it does at least prompt the question whether the suppression in them , not now of individuality but of individual interest in the sense of ownership , is only likely to be volunteered where the amount of that interest is seen by the prospective volunteer as marginal to his other interests , concerns and obligations .
12 Well , from Cizek 's point of view , it is much better that they should draw as they know to be , than for him to show them by means of perspective how to draw the house as it is seen by the camera 's eye .
13 If the conduct of a complainant is such that , viewed as a whole , it is seen by the jury as being consistent with consent , the prosecution have failed to rebut it ( R. v.
14 Hers may be the problems of a lost or disgraced lover , of fears around childbirth or abortion , of whether or not her family will stand by her in the end , perhaps of a situation in which she has queered her own pitch for continuing fun , and above all , possibly , of the way she is seen by the others concerned .
15 It is seen by the government as a measure which makes more people pay directly for local services and which will increase local accountability .
16 Indeed this General Term is seen by the law as a separate Contract of Insurance , and we would , in fact , pay sums recoverable under that General Term in addition to the total loss if this were required .
17 The combined model gave the best correlation between multispectral scanner data and ground truth ( i.e. between what is seen by the remote scan and what is really there ) .
18 Just how difficult the reconciliation can be is seen by the conflicts created by the draft ( and redrafted ) 1984 circulars on Green Belts and Land for Housing .
19 The video itself was warmly received by Jochen Medau , and is seen by the Society as illustrating very well one aspect , of the many facets , of our work .
20 Compulsory competitive tendering is seen by the government as a means of eroding the working conditions .
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