Example sentences of "[is] used in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Butyl has a substantially longer life expectancy than pvc — it 's used in the construction of reservoirs — but it can still be damaged by piercing .
2 Working on the same principle as a jigsaw , but with the reciprocating blade in line with the saw body , it 's used in the same position as a hand saw , but held with both hands .
3 The rifle is one of two AK47 's used in the attacks carried out by the Ardoyne IRA unit which is believed to number up to 18 .
4 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
5 The phrase ‘ the holism of the mental ’ is used in a number of ways ; but I hope the reader now understands what I intend by it .
6 The word ‘ depression ’ is used in a non-clinical sense , and maybe sadness is a better way of describing what is going on .
7 In ordinary language , the word ‘ faith ’ is used in a quite different sense from that used by either Wesley or Locke and Copleston .
8 To recommend the principles which should guide teachers on how far and in what ways the model should be made explicit to pupils , to make them conscious of how language is used in a range of contexts .
9 The hardest , pumice , is used in a number of proprietary compounds .
10 Linseed oil is used in a greater proportion for most colours , although colours such as blues and particularly whites are most made using poppy , safflower of sunflower oil because they are less yellow than linseed .
11 It is used in a narrow sense in the context of the Parliament Act procedure as requiring certification by the Speaker with the consequence that the delaying power of the House of Lords is restricted to one month .
12 It is also essential that some form of aeration is used in a pond containing fish .
13 This is another skill which is used in a variety of jobs and careers , ranging from broadcasting production research assistant to quantity surveyor .
14 Linseed oil is used in a greater proportion for most colours , although colours such as blues and particularly whites are most made using poppy , safflower of sunflower oil because they are less yellow than linseed .
15 Copyright permission should be sought if someone else 's text is used in a design .
16 Plutonium is not found naturally on earth , but it is produced whenever uranium is used in a nuclear reactor .
17 How could it be of ethical significance that the word ‘ good ’ , considered just as a sound , is used in a certain way ?
18 Xbase is used in a range of popular products , including the dBASE series , FoxBase and Clipper .
19 It is a novelist 's trick , useful for recognition when a character is used in a series of stones : it is also properly matched to the portrait of a youth who is intelligent but not physically impressive .
20 The term ‘ support ’ is used in a way analogous to the notion of ‘ scaffolding ’ in some accounts of language acquisition ( Bruner , 1983 ) .
21 In its most general interpretation , the word STYLE has a fairly uncontroversial meaning : it refers to the way in which language is used in a given context , by a given person , for a given purpose , and so on .
22 Sometimes the term has been applied to the linguistic habits of a particular writer ( " the style of Dickens , of Proust " , etc ) ; at other times it has been applied to the way language is used in a particular genre , period , school of writing , or some combination of these : " epistolary style " , " early eighteenth-century style " , " euphuistic style " , " the style of Victorian novels " , etc .
23 When a form is used in a context it eliminates the meanings possible to that context other than those the form can signal : the context eliminates from consideration the meanings possible to the form other than those the context can support .
24 The material is used in a ‘ montage-style , which … juxtaposes and cements ruins and fragments up against one another ’ ; as examples he cites Mahler and 1920s We ill .
25 An " agency " ( or " employment business " , in the words of the 1973 Employment Agencies Act ) is a " business … supplying persons in the employment of the person carrying on the business , to act for , and under the control of , other persons in any capacity " ( 5.13 ( 3 ) ) , 1 but the word " employment " is used in a much wider sense than that of having a contract of employment .
26 The fact of class conflict is not denied , but is seen as only one of several sources of conflict within society ; and perhaps most crucially of all , the stratificationalist approach to class is unlike the Marxist approach in that it is used in a fairly ad hoc way as an analytic tool , rather than as part of an integrated sociohistorical theory .
27 In Halliday and Hasan 's model of cohesion , reference is used in a similar but more restricted way .
28 ( Often the term is used in a rather derogatory way , as ‘ mere housekeeping ’ — albeit then mainly by male biochemists who may not recognize that housekeeping is a pretty serious business ! )
29 Whether or not patronage is used in a party political manner , the non-departmental sector nevertheless ‘ affords the opportunity for government by co-option rather than by election or by merit appointment ’ ( Hood , 1978 , p. 41 ) .
30 The device of mis-quotation is used in a similarly ironic fashion in Between when an American character mangles a passage from Macbeth : ‘ lirrechur , eh ?
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