Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] just begin " in BNC.

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1 Much of our knowledge of Beaker burials derives from excavations conducted in the last century , when the principles of good archaeological practice were only just beginning to be formulated .
2 But the health effects were only just beginning .
3 All the women in the conference planning group had so far been white , and we were only just beginning to respond to Black women 's demands that we examine our racism , and tackle it .
4 And his problems were only just beginning .
5 The word pirate was perhaps not so strong a term of condemnation as in later centuries : European rulers were only just beginning to acquire for themselves , on behalf of their states , a monopoly of the use of force .
6 The standpoint of Coburn 's story was an extrapolation of machine intelligence , written at a time when computers were only just beginning to encroach into the commercial environment of Britain .
7 There was a red car waiting outside the farmhouse when she reached it ; the car 's wheels had cut deep tracks through the long grass , tracks that were only just beginning to fade as the plains wind breathed across them .
8 " We were only just beginning to listen to Bach " , said one Iranian businessman .
9 But they were only just beginning .
10 The wounds Giles had inflicted were only just beginning to heal .
11 All remembered and periodically still experienced the vicious attacks on them which the Communists were only just beginning to abandon .
12 But , in Britain , it was election year , and , in America , President Johnson was only just beginning to grasp the reins of power after Kennedy 's assassination , and so little political progress was made .
13 The steady gaze was only just beginning to show a hint of scorn .
14 At that time , Mary 's mother had a strange , possessive relationship with another woman ; an affair which young Mary was only just beginning to understand .
15 And the nightmare was only just beginning .
16 My wife and I went to Poona and for nine months took charge of the Willingdon Soldiers ' Club , at a time when welfare and amenities work was only just beginning .
17 My impression of Rangoon in those first days was that it was only just beginning to come to life again , with everyone rather hopeless about the difficulties involved .
18 In 1786 , when the true age of man was only just beginning to be appreciated , Anglo-Saxon remains were first identified as such .
19 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
20 Alas , I was only just beginning to be visually aware , but to the extent to which I have grown in such awareness over the years I believe it was Basil and Ruth who started to make me look and see .
21 But someone like Vera Brittain was only just beginning to explore the problem of ‘ how a married woman without being inordinately rich , can have children and yet maintain her intellectual and spiritual independence ’ in the years following World War I. The small number of married women who pursued an active public life between the wars continued to assume that home and family were part of their natural responsibilities and solved the problem — as women with as diverse political views as Brittain and Violet Markham recognised — through the employment of domestic servants .
22 We did find time for some work at Orkney which even produced a few seizures , but we were a little early for the oil traffic which was only just beginning to affect the island .
23 Under her left breast , whose pale skin was only just beginning to give up its bloom to death , was a tiny , dark-red blob , no bigger than a sand flea .
24 With a deep , reassuring certainty Gina knew that for both of them the rhapsody of love was only just beginning .
25 At this time West German rearmament was only just beginning to gather momentum .
26 Before 1848 it had seemed for a moment that its crisis of transition ( see The Age of Revolution , p. 304 ) might also prove to be its final crisis , at least in England , but in the 1850s it became clear that its major period of growth was only just beginning .
27 After all , it was maintained , who was to say that the Dunstaple treatment was not just beginning to work each time as McNab began to apply his treatment ?
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