Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He just stopped the car on the top of a small hill , for they were right out in the country now .
2 If you were right out in empty space — I mean a long , long way from anything else — you 'd expect to go straight ahead .
3 The surroundings were wholly out of keeping with the importance of the people there and the nature of their task .
4 Would you accept as a Euro enthusiast , that the opinion poll published by the commission three weeks ago , showed that the Labour party in their tepid support for Maastricht , were wholly out of line with the average Labour voter and in fact it shows quite clearly the majority of people in Britain , not only were opposed to Maastricht , they were also opposed to the idea that the E C was a good idea at all .
5 It was an often spectacular bus ride on which the waters of Lake Titicaca were rarely out of sight .
6 The phone calls were just … they were stupid … we were mostly out of our minds , for Christ 's sake . ’
7 they were somewhere out in the North Road
8 The problem with that was that every time me and James played , we played with varying degrees of attack on our guitars so we were constantly out of tune with each other because the strings were flapping around so much . ’
9 That raid on Berlin of the 25/26 August pulled a psychological trigger in Nazi minds , and produced results that were entirely out of proportion to the military resources employed on that particular raid .
10 I did not want that , but I believed that the top salary awards were so out of line with what we were proposing in the rest of the public sector that in the real world of industrial relations it made my job infinitely more difficult .
11 And , remembering the way the wretched man had kept his finger on the bell , ‘ He could n't have been that lucky — to pick on the one flat you were in out of all the others — purely by chance . ’
12 Heber 's grants from the federal government for raising IQs totalled in the millions of dollars , much more than the usual federal funding level , and the results he claimed were comparably out of the ordinary .
13 The words were scarcely out before one of his taller companions clamped a hand round the back of his neck and with a dusty , unshod foot kicked his buttocks , exposed through his torn shorts .
14 When I was much younger , and not as religious as I am today , I thought that religious Jews had sex through a hole in a sheet , wore clothes from the last century , and were generally out of touch with life and the world we live in .
15 At the time , the Treasury forecasts were not out of line with the consensus , so most businesses were making production and investment plans based on projections of slow but positive growth in the economy .
16 They were not out of the weather .
17 I hope , Madam Deputy Speaker , that my comments were not out of order or tasteless , but I shall rephrase them .
18 In a statement tonight , the Hunt said the hounds were not hunting at the time of incident and were not out of control .
19 mm , I 'm glad were not out in it are n't you ?
20 Once across , they turned and waved , then were soon out of sight beyond the belvedere .
21 After an early start we were soon out of the city and climbing .
22 Italian maritime aircraft were soon out in force searching for the British Fleet , but not until after midday was it at last spotted .
23 The causes of increased monetary use and commercial activity were largely out of his control : but he knew where and how wealth was being generated , and was intent on exploiting that wealth systematically .
24 Ditches old and new kept the new arrivals from too close an approach to the massive town walls , but , to be sure , this also applied in reverse ; the enemy were just out of range of Berwick 's cannon .
25 He led young engineers who were just out of school to perform engineering ‘ miracles ’ — record-time achievements that no one predicted .
26 ooh , they were n't there alright , I thought they were just out of order cos it was road repairs and a policeman was supposed to be on duty because it was this great big wide Upper Parliament Street , and going across it , if I look at Liverpool
27 ‘ We were just out for a picnic and bit of sightseeing .
28 We were just out for a ride , We came here by accident .
29 When I got there they were already out on the beach sizing up the surf .
30 Some were already out on the lake , quiet and dabbling .
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