Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 The Foxton Lift seems almost to have come and gone in secret ; the remains at Foxton were until recently as mysterious to most people as the Iron Age hill fort at Burrough on the Hill on another side of Leicestershire .
2 Her house keys were on there as well . ’
3 It is quite true that the Americans were at least as worried about the British as the British were about them , but for very different reasons .
4 Although people in the Cape Town ballet world thought highly of his promise , John 's talent as a choreographer was not regarded as proved by the time he left South Africa ( at only eighteen , why should it have been ? ) , and other young choreographers were at least as highly thought of .
5 Brown 's humble origins and lack of formal education are said to have induced his insecurity and lack of confidence ; but Bevin , whose origins were at least as humble , laboured under no such handicaps .
6 However , current research shows that early humans did not generally rely on a meat diet , but that plant foods were at least as important : far from being mighty hunters , early humans are more likely to have been opportunist scavengers .
7 The setting up of the Bank of England in 1694 was a major step in the foundation of a sound system of public credit , but the secondary effects of its establishment were at least as important for the development of the eighteenth-century economy .
8 She followed him everywhere , allowing him to bully and browbeat her for all he was worth just as long as he did n't banish her .
9 And Woodie could see now that Maurice was in there as well .
10 They quickly discovered that daylight bombing without fighter escorts was not on , and were also surprised to find that the RAF Lancaster was at least as formidable a fighting weapon as any of their own aircraft .
11 I told Northcliffe that if his people would make enquiries at our Central Office , he would find that our nightly regiment of speakers was at least as well worth reporting as the Radical contingent , but that I realized that from the Press point of view , no doubt , our speakers did not play up to the reporters by handing them their speeches in advance , and by other tricks of the kind to which the Radical orators have recourse .
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