Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The IFS report Counting People With Low Incomes said that refusal ‘ does nothing to allay fears that the changes were for political rather than bona fide methodological reasons ’ .
2 Sometimes the slaps and punches were for real now , and my mother would cry up the stairs in alarm whenever she heard a sudden thump as I fell on the floor or bumped into the furniture .
3 Canova 's work , with its delicacy of surface effect , invites close scrutiny , as the subtle modulations of surface were after all best understood , according to contemporary practices , by examination at close quarters by candlelight .
4 Well the original discoveries were of some fairly simple molecules .
5 It is also doubtful whether many hospitals were like that then .
6 Have you read the , have you read articles or any pieces of writing that were like that before ?
7 The conductivity-temperature-depth ( CTD ) stations discussed here were along two roughly zonal tracks at 58°N ( north section ) and 53°N ( south section ) , linked by a section near 40°W ( west section ) ( Fig. 1 ) .
8 In 1927 and 1928 , therefore , were planted the seeds of a cultural conflict between a first generation of intellectuals who had , like Barbusse , joined the party as a reaction to the sickening personal experiences of the First World War and who were above all else humanist and pacifist , and a younger second generation of Surrealists and Marxists who were more in tune with the sectarian Bolshevism advocated by Moscow .
9 and for and weights were in fourteens so
10 In many cases panel members had little or no previous experience of validation but they showed a high level of commitment and were in general well prepared .
11 Far from commanding respect they were the object of widespread disdain and , although a few magnates became major patrons of the arts , they were in general almost wholly lacking in cultural influence over the wider educated public .
12 As a result the A-level scores of the university graduates were in general substantially above those of the CNAA graduates .
13 Also with respect to tissue type plasminogen activator , antigen and activity were in general significantly correlated in carcinomas ( R=0.58 , p<0.0001 ) and normal mucosa ( R=0.32 , p<0.05 ) .
14 However , while people were in general very willing to cooperate in the data collection , it should be added that it was not always possible to collect all items of information at each stage : for example , a very severely demented person might not be able to respond to questions at all ; it was not always possible to find a medical practitioner with up-to-date information about a person 's medical condition ; respondents sometimes refused to perform all the action tests ; it was occasionally impossible to find a key informant to give , for example , information about services received by a dementia sufferer or about his/her housing circumstances .
15 Welsh mothers were in general more concerned to keep an infant warm , although during the research period the publicity concerning the link between sudden infant death and temperature increased awareness of temperature , some mothers using room thermometers .
16 This table shows that those whom we predicted as unlikely to remain at home for long without project support were in general relatively expensive to care for at home .
17 Of total foreign investment in Czechoslovakia over the previous 2 years only 11 per cent had gone to Slovakia , and the common perception was that the industries of the Czech Lands were in general better placed to benefit from the programme of rapid privatization emphasised by Klaus .
18 Her vast deposits were in 1880 still largely unexplored ; those of Silesia alone were believed to be even greater than the huge fields already opened in Great Britain .
19 Rolls-Royce spokesman David Preston said : ‘ It is well known that our sales have been 50 per cent down on what they were in 1990 so any reduction is welcome . ’
20 ‘ Well , how about that , ’ he said and , turning his head in the direction of the preacher , he shouted , ‘ Hallelujah , ’ then he winked at Nathan , as if they were in this together , and fell back in a heap and shut his eyes .
21 Unionized workplaces were in 1980–84 actually more likely to suffer job losses ( after standardizing by product sector ) than non-unionized plants , which were more likely to enjoy job gains .
22 Hours of work were from 7 am. until 6 pm , allowing one hour for lunch .
23 The simple statistical confirmation that the majority of them were from 1984 onwards — and probably from that particular Friday , though one can not be certain — in the skies above the Pacific Ocean was ( for me and I suspect for most who came to know ) the first and final affirmation that from now on this part of the world was the centre of things .
24 Britain 's Dale Reid and Debby Dowling were on 69 together with Leigh Mills , another American .
25 The way of life in these republics in the 1980s remained demonstrably much more ‘ Western ’ than that in the other Soviet republics , and they were among those most exposed to outside cultural influences ( Estonia , for instance , had ready access to Finnish television and ‘ Dallas ’ and ‘ Dynasty ’ had a devoted following ) .
26 In their rural isolation Belorussian peasants were at first little affected by anti-religious campaigns and actions emanating from the towns , even if priests disappeared and churches were commandeered .
27 Some feared the use of the schools by proselytizers to indoctrinate the children in protestant principles , especially as the local managers were at first mainly clergy of the established church .
28 The city or suburban dwellings of the new class were at first too small to accommodate the extended family .
29 While this was a good thing , such improvements were at first only superficial , and it was a long time before everyday living conditions in deaf boarding institutions and day classes were of acceptable standard .
30 It is probably true to say that these new sensations were at first quite undetected , as such , by himself .
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