Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] on in " in BNC.

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1 The few gypsies remaining on the site this afternoon , who 've asked not to be identified , claim they were picked on in a motiveless attack .
2 Negotiations were carried on in secret and the results were presented to shareholders as a fait accompli .
3 Mr. Kentridge , for the commissioner , referred to seven factors which , he submitted , demonstrated that the taxpayer 's business and its profits were carried on in and were derived from Hong Kong .
4 No clear distinction could yet be made between the wholesale and retail trades that were carried on in the ‘ shops ’ in the historic centre of the city .
5 All the Victorian fry were grown on in tanks with a pH of only 7.4 .
6 According to the DoE 190 square miles of countryside a year were built on in the 1980s ; the CPRE study , however , puts the figure at 460 square miles .
7 For the last six hours , the girls were operated on in separate theatres .
8 Almost equally ambitious development projects were going on in Kenya at about the same time .
9 The whole balance of the bird population altered where these changes were going on in the landscape .
10 I was n't allowing myself to think too much , but below the conscious level all kinds of adjustments were going on in my head .
11 Yet even as these deliberations were going on in Washington , a new Sino-American crisis had developed in the Far East .
12 Washington said it knew for months that secret PLO-Israel negotiations were going on in Norway , but was surprised by the level of detail in the agreement hammered out in those Oslo talks .
13 Let me give another very recent example while these rather alarming , in some ways , events were going on in Arkensaw , the London Times — not the Sunday Times now — had as a centre page article by a distinguished cosmologist , Fred Hoyle , announcing to a startled world that he 'd suddenly acquired some doubts about evolution .
14 The Light Blues had a half-length lead at the Old Ship but with Gardiner setting an excellent rhythm , and with Davy , Maclennan and Bridge backing magnificently , Oxford were holding on in flat water .
15 As soon as he was out of uniform , Connor applied to take over the management of the public-house from his parents — Mam and Da were getting on in years , and Da was n't a well man — but the Brewery were not prepared to lease the pub to a bachelor .
16 Seventy per cent of those continuing their studies were staying on In the same institution where they had taken the Advanced Course : the rest were changing institutions .
17 The evening shadows were lengthening , one or two lights were coming on in buildings across the city and the dark mass of the cathedral stood out sharply against the soft viridian sky .
18 Special trains were laid on in the early days , bringing musicians , singers and visitors .
19 And if we look at the implications er West Yorkshire which were touched on in the beginning of this part of the debate .
20 These and their white peers were taken on in times of expansion .
21 The matter has received our closest and most careful consideration and although the details were worked on in 1886 for another canal in the Manchester district ( but not used ) they are all to all intents and purposes equally applicable to the Grand Union Canal , when that canal is improved , to be of the same working capacity as the Grand Junction Canal and to carry the same vessels .
22 The grey trousers were put on in the month of March last and the white waistcoats in May . ’
23 it does n't who 's responsibility would it be to see that the old brochures were withdrawn and the new brochures were put on in there place ?
24 Erm most have , in fact most of which is er b er seventy four additional heads were put on in March , so we 've gone from seventeen twenty three to seventeen ninety seven erm and Mick accounted for most of those with forty four .
25 If fluke genes were passed on in snail eggs and sperms , the two bodies would evolve to become as one flesh .
26 He thought it fortunate that improvements in male characteristics were passed on in some measure to women , otherwise the man would have become as superior in mental endowment to women as the peacock is in plumage to the peahen .
27 But then , as night fell and the lights were switched on in the carriage , illuminating the sepia photographs of Morecambe Bay at dawn and donkeys trotting Blackpool sands , he felt his privacy was being invaded and had stopped making those conciliatory gestures .
28 He charts an unfolding if uncertain logic which goes back to the way in which the welfare state was put together after the war , as pieces were tacked on in a rather haphazard way to existing state institutions .
29 Other poor dealers were kept on in dealing jobs , because they were good at answering telephone inquiries , or at dealing on government privatisations .
30 The family were following on in a state of high Latin hysteria .
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