Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] up the " in BNC.

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1 It is believed that the great bluestones of which Stonehenge is constructed were floated up the Wiltshire Avon .
2 and his trusty assistant , Detective Sergeant William Bird , were speeding up the same road .
3 Propelled forward by the shrieking aunts , who were bringing up the rear , they stumbled in , falling over the pots and pans and bumping into the dangling kettles , dropping their sacks and shouting and generally making the most satisfactory uproar imaginable .
4 She has been a couple of times but er when we were bringing up the family course she could n't reasonably go with me every week and er , but she had used to be er a good supporter when she was a girl , she used to go with her father in those days my son 's been with me , cos I took him las well he took me last night with his wife I went in their car .
5 Erm I was n't , I did n't know what you were trying to get at when you were bringing up the miles per annum that he was doing , I can understand the flying side of it but driving in the car , yes you need to know that he 's doing a lot of miles and that there 's , you know , the there 's the potential danger and everything there but I did n't understand why you need his specific miles per annum .
6 They were driving up the Harrow Road and had just passed the complex of St Mary 's Hospital when the campanile of St Matthew 's came suddenly into view on their left .
7 The intentions behind the important reforms of 1988 were to tighten up the social security system in order to reduce the disincentives to work recognized as inherent in the poverty and unemployment ‘ traps ’ ( see Tables 16.7 and 16 .
8 ‘ Suppose you suddenly had that feeling — tawdry — while you were walking up the aisle with George Beador .
9 This afternoon security men were wiring up the holes caused when a hedge bordering the planned clinic was set alight .
10 Below the nesting area the slopes were rich with vegetation , enriched by bird-droppings , and we were climbing up the slope when we became aware that a polar bear with a big cub was ‘ grazing ’ on the slope .
11 Between them they were picking up the power line , the hoses for oxygen and wastes .
12 Erm when we were picking up the trunk off erm Uncle Alan who 's on on the beginning of the fishing
13 I accidentally spilt some soft drink on the bench where we had lunch , and in a minute a dozen skinks had homed in and were lapping up the liquid .
14 She also cites evidence from school inspectors which says that in almost 40 per cent of primary schools parents were topping up the capitation allowance for books and equipment by more than 30 per cent .
15 The last straw was located about 10 or 15ft from safety , at which handholds seemed to disappear altogether and aching feet were scrunched up the tiniest of ripples .
16 Before the New World was discovered and Australian resources were opened up the only source of opals known was situated in the Libanka and Simonka mountains north of Kosice in eastern Slovakia .
17 Perhaps they were justified in recalling early days in makeshift cinemas and perhaps they had to mingle with the masses as they went in search of Chaplin movies , but they must have been aware that prestigious down-town and suburban theatres were now largely being patronized , not exclusively by a lumpenproletariat , but rather by a mix of social classes and perhaps above all by young people who were moving up the social scale into more respectable occupations .
18 He 'd whistle and all the horses would run over to us ; and there we were surrounded by these great horses , and we were holding up the babies to them !
19 ‘ You were holding up the kiosk when I got off the train , were n't you ? ’
20 In the ensuing mêlée , McLaren , Reid and others of the Pistols camp were dragged up the gangplank and into the waiting police vans .
21 The pilots were revving up the aircraft engines ; there would be no stand-down .
22 So the war came at last , at exactly 6.35:24 pm on January 16 , 1991 , when Peter Jennings interrupted a canned piece to announce that explosions and flashes were breaking up the Baghdad night .
23 Islands to the SSW were breaking up the swell , but the wind was funnelling between them to create a very steep and confused sea .
24 On the beach , the pirates were breaking up the captain 's little boat with axes .
25 Dennis and the others were propping up the bar , Karen was supposedly selecting duty-free perfume .
26 The rumour was that they were to give up the siege and have their contracts revoked before Christmas .
27 For as well as suggesting that if we were to give up the view that most actions are autonomous we should have to give up a great deal else as well , it asserts that this transformation of our attitudes is actually beyond us .
28 If you were to draw up the specification for the ideal material for electronic engineering , I guess it would be something combining the properties of the perfect conductor , the perfect insulator and the ideal semiconductor .
29 He was one of the seven magnates whose confederation in April 1258 began the revolution ; he was one of the baronial twelve who were to draw up the plans of reform ; and he was one of the council of fifteen set up by the Provisions of Oxford to govern England in the king 's name .
30 A trio of skinheads were coming up the pavement , and some kids on bikes came by , saw them and started to circle back .
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