Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [to-vb] down " in BNC.

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1 These were helping to break down the barriers to access for those companies , such as small scale , under capitalisation , lack of knowledge of quality assurance and shyness in making approaches to the big operators .
2 The Podkrepa Trade Union Federation remained on strike alert from July 20 , but rejected the UDF accusation that its actions were intended to bring down the government .
3 Often , as the night drew on , a number of people were seen to lie down in odd places , both in Partisan Street and on the Embankment .
4 Robert Gray has analysed marriage patterns in late nineteenth-century Edinburgh and concludes that by the end of the period , patterns of segregated intermarriage as between the families of skilled " and " unskilled " workers were tending to break down .
5 To get them through the Christmas crisis , staff in London were instructed to send down a variety of commercial patterns and magazines which Laura adapted herself .
6 Still shivering , we were made to lie down , men and women in adjoining beds .
7 They were made to lie down on the floor in the back .
8 It seems that when they were made to lie down in the back of the truck and their hands were tied behind them , Katrine remembers there being rags underneath her .
9 The lorry stopped near a church and we were made to get down .
10 Dogs were used to put down a land reform demonstration outside the National Congress in Asunción on June 23 , 1989 ; 10 people were injured in what was the first major use of force since Rodríguez had seized power .
11 Four men were needed to hold down the steering oars , which bucked in their harnesses like panicked elephants .
12 After a fortnight we were told to go down to the airfield for a possible lift into Assam , but often refugees went in the morning but were back in the evening as the planes were so busy taking out wounded soldiers .
13 They were told to lie down , face first in the damp grass .
14 Patrick squirmed uncomfortably in the jumper and the trousers , which were at least two sizes too large for him — he felt as if they were going to fall down at any moment .
15 Oh right , I that that said , I thought that was another D , it could n't be , demotivated , erm , you 're too set in your ways , lack of detail , lack of commitment , irresponsible , is that , yes , lack of respect for your superiors , erm , disillusioned , you know , we er , we were going to put down things like er , mentally challenged , and things like that , but it did n't go down too well .
16 You got letters from home , from your father asking when you were going to settle down and get a proper job , or were you going to be an ‘ eternal student ’ ?
17 It consoled him to know you were going to settle down and have children .
18 Particularly with the the s the strong belief that the flats were going to come down which has subsequently proved to be true .
19 I thought we were going to walk down the line of men , touch them on the shoulder maybe , like some cop programme on TV , but that was n't it at all .
20 They were beginning to lay down a sound that would later become synonymous with The Wedding Present , but it missed the energy of what would come later .
21 However , now that they had family responsibilities and were beginning to put down roots , they returned to their former church-going .
22 By the time 1970 dawned , the closures were beginning to slow down .
23 The 1980s had left us both with spreading waist-lines and a feeling that we were beginning to slow down .
24 The men were beginning to slow down .
25 It did n't matter that they were coming to stare down at her and Ember with the ugly blueness of ghoulish satisfaction on their heads .
26 What was more , they were threatening to burn down the capital if Colonel Rebu was not set free — and Port-au-Prince is mostly built of wood .
27 Reference to a mediator had resulted in the position where not only was the Bank 's line confirmed , but we were asked to sit down and negotiate , in effect , more competitive scales .
28 Commanding officers were asked to clamp down on harmful initiation ceremonies , and ‘ agony aunts ’ from the Women 's Royal Voluntary Service were installed to provide a sympathetic hearing for bullied soldiers .
29 Patients were asked to write down the highest of three blows for the paper and pencil diary and to enter the values of all three blows into the computer .
30 It would be premature , and indeed impertinent , if we were to attempt to lay down in any detail the lines of a perfect " School " of English .
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