Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These works were erected thirteen years ago , and being ultimately leased to the L & NWR Company , the present buildings were erected on a still larger scale .
2 Since they were erected four months ago , at a cost of ten thousand pounds , they 've been daubed with paint and stuffed with litter .
3 Two people who were sacked eight years ago from the Government Communications Headquarters for refusing to leave their trade union , are continuing their campaign to get union rights reinstated .
4 According to Mr Gorman , one of the main grievances is the minimal redundancy packages given to the 67 Albion workers who were sacked two weeks ago : ‘ We will be pushing the case for adequate recompense for workers who lost their jobs .
5 The Austrians returned in his absence , and were assisted in their reconquest by the Russians and the Italians themselves who were never more happy , it seems , than when they were assisting one despot to overthrow another .
6 Yet , when one looks back , it all seems dim and forgotten already , except for the silly little incidents which stick in one 's mind , such as when we were dive-bombed one morning and the sergeant-major fell into his porridge ! …
7 In Victoria Street Lytle 's and McCausland 's warehouses were completed two years before Ewart 's .
8 Nests were checked 2–6 times a week .
9 In 1990 they were halted 90 miles from the Pole by wide stretches of open water.Having already travelled more than 500 miles from their starting point in Siberia , they set a record anyway for the longest unsupported polar journey.Then Sir Ranulph abandoned the polar cold for the desert heat , to find Ubar , before again teaming up with Dr Stroud for this winter 's headline-making trek to the South Pole , breaking their own record for the longest unsupported polar journey ever made.They returned in February and Sir Ranulph still can not tolerate running shoes on his frost-bitten feet , to train for his next expedition — ‘ another hot one . ’
10 The 17 trucks were halted 25 miles short of the town of Tuzla while UN aides negotiated for a path to be cleared of mines .
11 At parties occasionally we will recall the full horror of the event in one of those conversations which goes something like : ‘ You were delayed six hours and then had to be diverted to a branch line 50 miles out of your way on a train that had no heating and no buffet .
12 The men were paid a rate depending upon the nature of the ground and were producing tons a week , giving a yield of 2–3 cwt. of metal in the ton but none more than 3 .
13 In the 1890s Ingall , Parsons & Clive of Birmingham were producing thirty-five designs , of which the 1½-inch Canadian elm ‘ Manilla ’ , at £3 15s. was the most imaginative .
14 All patients were given 0.625 mg daily of oral conjugated oestrogen ( Premarin , Wyeth ) .
15 Campbell pointed out that London policemen worked only eight hours each day and were given one day off each week .
16 They were given one day to decide .
17 Before the war , foods such as butter and cheese were given two layers of wrappers by the counter hand , but this was reduced to one under the restrictions .
18 And then , after two years , we were allowed on to the wards in our white coats and we had to erm find out about the patients and initially we were all very slow and we were given two hours to talk to a patient to find out all about them .
19 The Harrises were given two weeks to pay off mortgage arrears of £8,000 .
20 Lords and peasants were given two years to prepare charters which would map out the peasants ' " portions of arable land " and define the extent of their " obligations " .
21 Edward Bohun , a younger brother of the Earl of Hereford , received 400 marks , worth of land and was granted the office of Constable in view of the infirmity of the earl himself ; John Neville of Hornby and Robert de Ufford , a knight of Suffolk who had served in Gascony in 1324–5 with the Earl of Rent , were given 200 marks for ‘ helping in the same enterprise ’ .
22 In this roadside check , drivers with one or two suspect tyres were given fourteen days to get them into shape .
23 All subjects were given 1 l of tap water before imaging , the water acting as a positive — that is , bright , contrast medium , to outline the gut lumen without affecting motility state .
24 Similarly , when the informants were given five sets of words , and asked to list them in order of the likelihood of appearing in SF , the experienced readers included " dreams ' , " drugs ' , " consciousness ' , " identity " , " information " ( all themes of recent SF ) while the inexperienced readers marked only " Martians ' , " flying saucers ' , " ray-guns ' , " robots ' , " mutants ' .
25 We were given thirty days to come up with our designs .
26 The Conference was not just an affair , mounted at great trouble and expense , at which the Party 's footsoldiers were given four days simply to kick over the traces .
27 The ransom was set at 4 million écus once again , but this time the French were given four months to raise three-quarters of it , which was clearly impossible .
28 In the late 1920s W. Embden , professor of physiology at the University of Frankfurt , found that German miners produced 20 per cent more coal when they were given 7 grams a day , decidedly a harmful dose , of sodium hydrogen phosphate .
29 We were given 10 minutes to prepare , then had to give an interview of 2 minutes .
30 It abolished 1959 legislation which had regulated the confiscation of an estimated 70,000 houses , shops and small business between 1955 and 1962 ; former owners were given six months to submit claims for restitution or financial compensation .
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