Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I jes ' ordered you t'take charge of the prisoners , told you I wuz goin' t'check on somethin' , an' took off .
2 John Lee — possibly one of the candidates for Stockport 's School in 1534 ( he was born in Baguley , three miles from Stockport ) -was appointed Master at Cromer on 27th October 1534 .
3 Right at the beginning someone said they were enjoying life at the moment because they were able to do what they wanted to do in Scotland .
4 One of the earliest was the Reverend Edward Duke who , in the 1840s , found that several prehistoric sites , including Avebury , Silbury Hill and Stonehenge were aligned north-south with each other .
5 ‘ The day before we arrived in Gibraltar we received a signal from Admiral Sir James Somerville of Force ‘ H ’ who was in command of the operation , saying that on arrival in harbour we were to berth stern to stern to ‘ Ark Royal ’ so that some of our Hurricanes could be transferred to her and rolled off ‘ Furious ’ direct onto ‘ Ark Royal ’ .
6 But these were some of the more welcome changes following the end of the Second World War , which were transforming life for people living in the countryside .
7 Fresh tests on milk samples released last night showed 70 per cent of 238 dairy farms analysed were producing milk with lead levels above the Department of Health 's recommended safety limit , although 72 farms were within the limit of less than 0.05 milligrams of lead per litre .
8 We were producing coal at 71 of our 174 pits — 47 of which were working normally .
9 Elizabeth Addams lived next door , Thomas Addams was still at work in his smith 's shop , Thomas Burge had taken over as the Bristol carrier , and the Clement family were producing cloth for all they were worth in workshops at the end of the street .
10 Five more oilfields were producing oil from the North Sea continental shelf in 1976 , including the massive Brent and Alpha fields .
11 Two canvas chairs were placed side by side in a machine that begged comparison with the Wright brothers ' first efforts .
12 At that date the subject-matter of the photographs was perfectly legible and the works gained their force and content from the way two or more photographs were placed side by side : a woman 's face in close-up , an ominous highway at night .
13 At the moment , the gloves and hat were placed side by side on the gleaming wood of the table before her and her hands were folded in an attitude of prayer — although her humour was anything but reverent .
14 They took their seats on canvas chairs which were placed side by side on the strip of red tiling , as if they were about to be photographed or to review a marching column .
15 They were kneeling back to back , their buttocks touching , and each with one end of the double-headed dildo still embedded securely in her gaping twat .
16 In 1984 some 2,500 Inuit of the western Arctic were given title to 35,000 square miles ; in March 1990 some 7,000 Indians in the Yukon reached agreement over 16,000 square miles , whilst in the following month some 13,000 Dene-Metis Indians agreed in principle to a settlement of 70,000 square miles of Arctic and sub-Arctic territory .
17 Staff and guests were given shelter at the police station .
18 We were given evidence by Age Concern England .
19 The patients were given supplementation for one month and colonic biopsy specimens were taken before and at the end of the trial .
20 As well as the company brochure , employees were given documentation on the five counties surrounding the relocation area so that they had the opportunity to get to know the areas before visiting them .
21 The speech received much applause , and my remarks about the regalia were given prominence in the next day 's papers .
22 W w why why was it that horses were were given pride of place over the cattle ?
23 Three trainees were given instruction in geological map preparation and report writing using field data collected during the 1989–90 field season .
24 In 1902 the county councils were given responsibility for the planning and provision of secondary education .
25 A rough rule-of-thumb was that landowners controlled the rural county councils and farmers the rural district councils ( which were given responsibility for housing ) .
26 So when the Training and Enterprise Councils were given responsibility for a new stream of scheme they said quite rightly I think that they would only support survivable businesses .
27 The expectations and hopes of those people and of many others , which were given life by the excellent judgment of the Vice-Chancellor of the High Court on 30 July , were cruelly dashed by the decision of the major City shareholders that the bank could not be reconstructed .
28 Victims of assault , wounding , robbery and sexual crimes were also given counselling but by far the greatest number of people ( 4,835 ) were given help after house burglaries .
29 Altogether complaints from various sources concerning 126 practices or other businesses for which members are responsible were given consideration by the Committee which resolved upon the terms of charges in respect of ten members .
30 On the way , we stopped at the border and went through the immigration and customs formalities , which were very courteous though long , and we were given lunch before getting back on the train !
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