Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] time " in BNC.

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1 However , speculation remained that the Army distrusted the peace process , and that it believed that the URNG 's motives were designed to buy time and international prestige while it regrouped its forces .
2 If these strands were antiparallel spin diffusion crosspeaks would be expected to be visible between G2H1 and G5H8 , and vice versa. 5122K data sets were acquired using time proportional phase incrementation ( ref. 31 ) in phase-sensitive mode , with a sweep width of 7,812.5Hz .
3 His appointment as vice-president in April was intended to buy time .
4 Ordinary life was halted to allow time for realization of the sorrow to penetrate the layers of defence that we all set up to blunt the terrible pain of loss .
5 ‘ The reason I advertised for applications in person was to avoid wasting time on preliminary letters , short-listing and so forth .
6 Otherwise he was forced to waste time giving the whole paper a wash of flat tone each time .
7 Provoked by abrupt intimacy with a complete stranger who then turned out to be someone she was forced to spend time with , forced to establish a formal business relationship with … ?
8 I was trying to take time off .
9 On the day that North Korea 's parliament ratified a nuclear safeguard agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency , the defector said the Pyongyang government was trying to buy time until it could produce its own nuclear weapons .
10 ‘ I was determined to have time with Maisie . ’
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