Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 They rotated at 120rpm , and they were intended to allow louder reproduction , not increased fidelity or playing-time .
2 Conditions were expected to include further liberalization of exchange regulations and the provision of credit and tax changes .
3 The measures were designed to promote greater efficiency , reverse agricultural stagnation and help Mexico compete in readiness for the free trade agreement which was under negotiation with the United States and Canada .
4 The horizons within which most people 's lives were confined became narrower ; the far-flung contacts which had linked distant provinces became attenuated , local clerical and military élites came to form cohesive , small-scale groupings with local or regional interests and loyalties , sometimes intense local pride .
5 The three other countries were said to have better systems of information — information used by communities , by employers and by individuals .
6 This process meant that more and more of available jobs were said to require higher technical skills or educational qualifications , and it also altered the context in which debates about education were taking place , because the economy increasingly demanded labour power in the secondary and tertiary sectors .
7 It proved only a partial victory for Parker who had died in 1902 and it was not until 1919 that the first Moderators or de facto bishops were inducted to ensure higher , more uniform standards and greater control from London .
8 Some measurements were made using older plants over a short time period , just three hours .
9 I saw this good-looking redhead with a bust to challenge Shakti 's — a sight which was getting rarer and rarer as women were made to get thinner and thinner for the convenience of the multi-billion dress designing industry , much easier and hence more economical and hence more profitable to clothe a bean pole than an hour glass — walking my way .
10 The metaphor of scientific rationality and the figure of the state-sponsored expert were used to attack older voluntary and ‘ amateur ’ approaches to social reform .
11 On a tough Oxford estate drastic measures were needed to prevent further damage .
12 May and Baker were of course informed , and they were briefed to make better vaccines , if ever they could do so .
13 The Oral Replacement Workers were told to place greater emphasis upon the dangers of adding too much salt to the solution .
14 Electrical and communications technology at this time was such that induction coils were thought to allow faster working than batteries .
15 In the study ( Levinger & Clark , 1961 ) emotional words were shown to produce higher fluctuations in galvanic skin response ( GSR ) than non-emotional ones , free-associates produced to these words were less likely to be subsequently recalled than associates of non-emotional words produced at the same time .
16 Many were sold to raise further funds to furnish the new institute .
17 Tonight these dames were going to have greener fingers than Percy Thrower .
18 ‘ Farming in general was having a tough time , the prices of most traditional agricultural commodities were declining in real terms , farms were having to become much larger to remain economically viable and most commentators felt things were not going to get much better in the short term indeed most said they were going to get worse . ’
19 In some cases they were turned away immediately , but , where they were invited to give further details , these were matched so as to be different enough not to arouse suspicion but similar in all respects that might be significant to a potential employer .
20 All these seemed to relate to Balbinder 's needs as his parents saw them and Mr and Mrs Singh were beginning to seem happier .
21 Even into the second year of contracts , when DHAs were beginning to get better information on which to base changes in contracts , regional regulation is tight .
22 The ‘ skinnys ’ were beginning to become hungrier and hungrier , their stomach capacity gaining size every ‘ fat in five seconds ’ eaten .
23 Towns , therefore , were coming to assume greater importance as places of defence and refuge for the surrounding countryside .
24 Head teacher Maureen Sedgwick said the cards , which have to be passed through an electronic scanner , were introduced to stop older children stampeding into the toilets .
25 He 'd planned to storm up to General Kopyion and demand to be told what the Justice Police were doing to prevent further bloodshed .
26 The mischief alleged is that offenders were allowed to commit further offences which would or may have been obviated had they been arrested earlier .
27 With the rapid decline in the mining industry during the late nineteenth century , men were forced to work longer hours or to seek work abroad and this shared life largely disappeared .
28 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
29 Where the population was too small to calculate reliable rates , enumeration districts were combined to form larger areas , in some cases whole wards .
30 He said weeks rather than months were left to ensure greater democracy was established .
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