Example sentences of "[is] the good [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wilko said he s the best athlete he has seen playing football .
2 New York ] is the best exposition of it we have . ’
3 I shall press on however , for this pamphlet is the best exposition of which I know of what I believe to be a widely held position .
4 Where soft sedimentary rocks have eroded away , leaving harder boulders and ample crevices with loosely embedded rocks , is the best habitat for the myriads of fascinating creatures .
5 It differs slightly from the average salary which is which is the best year out of the last three .
6 ‘ I think it 'd be fair to say this is the best day of my life . ’
7 It is the best day of my life .
8 Do you think Friday or Sunday is the best day ?
9 Do you think that Friday or Sunday is the best day ?
10 Do you think Friday or Sunday is the best day ?
11 Do you think Friday or Sunday is the best day ?
12 Another said : ‘ He is the best man we have got by far .
13 Gough is the best man for his job and both full backs , Dave McPherson and David Robertson , are pacy and good in the air .
14 Earth Commander knows about the AOL , and he is the best man — ’
15 No-one can argue against or overstate what Sgt Wilko has done in this area , that 's why I believe no-one around could have done a better job , and why he is the best man for the future too .
16 What I want is the best government for Rhodesia . ’
17 As has been frequently pointed out , it is no use providing excellent beer or food if the pub in question has lost all of its charm and atmosphere ; and surely a multi-roomed pub , with a number of differing environments , is the best way to serve what is after all always a very diverse and unstandardised community .
18 Vigilant and regular inspection of your plants is the best way of avoiding such pests .
19 On a small site it is important to think about the conditions and to consider what is the best way of turning to make use of a longer run on the airfield , or to avoid having to dodge obstructions .
20 Practising in a motor glider with a knowledgeable and competent cross-country pilot is the best way to gain experience quickly at both selecting and field landing procedures .
21 What is the best way to prevent timber cladding from rot ?
22 It is the best way to serve the people we want to stand up for .
23 Whether you are proposing or opposing an application , what is the best way to influence the decision that is eventually made ?
24 Although in these circumstances the ethnographic method is the best way to obtain trust , it does not ensure it will be won from every respondent in the field .
25 This is the best way to lay amicable foundations for your more concerted efforts in the days and weeks to come as you try to prise a response out of your carefully selected target hack .
26 What is the best way to approach the task ?
27 I do not think mat is the best way of looking at it .
28 In the very early stages proper rest ( using a splint ) is the best way to reduce the inflammation .
29 ‘ Nobody stops to consider the problems of drafting , or whether the new act of parliament is the best way of dealing with the problem at hand , ’ he said .
30 They were adamant that their scheme , a compromise between the Foreign Office and the harder line sought by Mr David Waddington , the Home Secretary , is the best way to prevent a mass refugee crisis if Hong Kong collapses before 1997 .
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