Example sentences of "[is] see [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What is valuable is to see that here is a critic writing at the top of his bent .
2 ‘ There is n't even guaranteed support from other women because it 's seen as so shameful .
3 If the point is seen and well argued , the fact that the examiner does not agree with your conclusion will not seriously affect your marks .
4 If language is seen as increasingly taking the place of explicit negotiation , communication and conscious thought , there is the possibility that , simultaneously , material objects become increasingly important in the formation of the unconscious , a possibility raised by Freud ( though only briefly ) in relation to repressive mechanisms ( e.g. 1984 : 206–8 ) .
5 As such it is this realm which is seen as eventually dominating forms of social and personal life and the progress ( or otherwise ) of localities .
6 If ( and only if ) almost all plant material is seen as soon as the LB-level is reached then increases in readings with increasing exposure will be due to spreading and the graph will be linear for plants in this region , as it is for cards .
7 This is a view of religion which is seen as primarily like fashion — what people " put on " .
8 The attitudes measured by this factor represent the ideals of the school self-evaluation movement , in which SSE is seen as professionally creative and stimulating , effective as a means of promoting institutional change and in close accord with a sense of individual professional responsibility .
9 It 's not that I 've come on my own because it 's something that is seen as just my problem , because as I said , Tom does n't seem that interested either .
10 In this theory , money is seen as just one of a number of ways in which wealth can be held , along with all kinds of financial assets , consumer durables , property and ‘ human wealth ’ .
11 The prize is seen as well worth the effort .
12 Within contemporary syntactic theory , the structure of a sentence is seen as partly determined by the nature of its main verb .
13 These cells respond most vigorously when a combination of wavelengths is used for the illumination , and the area of the stimulus is seen as strongly coloured by human observers .
14 Maybe the single parent is seen as somehow highlighting the cracks that couples think they 've covered over .
15 The essentially one-day match contract for Chris Cowdrey is seen as rather ‘ something or nothing ’ in the words of a few Sophia punters .
16 Rather , it treats them as ‘ given ’ , in the sense that it is seen as neither plausible nor fruitful to attempt a causal explanation of them .
17 Smith is seen as today 's Healey figure , a conservative consolidator ; Brown as a more radical , more hostile and more dangerous rival .
18 Yet the overt ruralism of the prose is more strongly qualified in the verse , where country , primitive , with its ‘ daemonic , chthonic/ Powers ’ is seen as ultimately no better than city unless-redeemed by the Christian vision .
19 A substantial increase in the IMF 's quotas , which determine its lending power , is seen as particularly urgent given the heavy financial needs of Eastern Europe .
20 This is seen as particularly worrying by some commentators , since there is evidence ( e.g. Meeks 1977 ) that post-merger profitability has tended to decline .
21 According to the hunter-gatherer worldview , humans are bound by an elaborate mystical contract with the non-human world , and nature is seen as either neutral or benevolent as long as the terms of the contract — all the rules , rituals and prohibitions — are upheld .
22 The standard defence of the modernist novel is based precisely upon these qualities , on its formal complexity and difficulty : the ‘ revolution of the word ’ is seen as either essential to , or more important than , any political revolution .
23 Since the threat of take-over is the most potent source of management concern with share price , the market for control is seen as profoundly implicated in converting this alleged investor short-termism into management short-termism .
24 On the other , the Conservatives have become committed to a free-market society , in which the market-place is seen as economically efficient and socially just .
25 But , as the quotation from Wallerstein shows , his world-system approach is more narrowly defined than that , for what happens in the UK ( or other countries ) is seen as wholly subordinate to changes in the world system .
26 The role of literature here is seen as largely inert : passive moral formation and entertainment .
27 It is seen as fundamentally important to ensuring good corporate governance .
28 Experience has been both positive and negative : ( a ) negative — often students feel inadequate in that other students always have more knowledge than them , and typically they have no firm home base ; ( b ) positive — the combination of electronics and computing , for example , is seen as highly beneficial by employers .
29 They will continue to do so , whatever their number , while the problem is seen as mainly one of numbers , of needing more specialist staff to work individually with specific children , away from the learning situation where the difficulty occurs .
30 Another way of putting this is that Adorno analyses — with great insight — the conditions of a specific mode of musical autonomy but then makes the mistake of reading what is a qualitative change , a historical variant , as an epistemological category ; the truth-content of music is seen as directly related to its degree of autonomy of this kind .
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