Example sentences of "[is] [Wh adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is how the afternoon proceeded .
2 The next question is how the money is being transferred to the Department from the DSS will be managed .
3 That , essentially , is how the system works .
4 Of course , from the local point of view it was logical enough to deal in terms of the individuals involved because that is how the system may appear to work , at least to an uninformed observer , and no doubt the question of personality is an important one .
5 Another approach would be to say that it is I , not some part of me called ‘ reason ’ , which sees that this is how the system of my impulses should be organized .
6 Australian Aborigines are very direct about this so they , so they do expect something back for the initiation an and it 's a kind of reciprocal thing where okay , you initiate me and I 'll put up with all this crap from you , but you know , you give me a wife , you 've got daughters I want a wife and er if I do n't get it , there 's gon na be real trouble and this is how the system works .
7 It was n't acknowledged like that , because , like many ‘ non-disabled people ’ , they were held in check by drugging ; this is how the bronchitis , depression , arthritis and so on were ‘ dealt with ’ .
8 That , briefly , is how the trick is done .
9 A crucial question now is how the mood of the Parliamentary Conservative party has moved since that date .
10 The problem is that fight-or-flight behaviours are less and less appropriate in today 's civilized society and this is how the damage is done .
11 Why invent a mystery force that magically knows how hard to pull on everything to make them go round the same path when you could say that everything has to go in that curved path because that is how the space itself is curved ?
12 This is how the name ‘ Eucharistic Congress ’ came to be employed .
13 This , it seems , is how the history of the tabby began .
14 False consciousness is usually referred to by Marx by the term ‘ ideology ’ and that is how the word will be used in this book .
15 The question to be asked is how the popularity of the final proposals is to be tested .
16 One issue is how the experience maybe evaluated over the short and long term .
17 ‘ That , as the Americans say , ’ Mark told her wryly , ‘ is how the cookie crumbles .
18 And that is how the passage appeared in volume form , in the editions of 1867 and 1870 .
19 So the machines have cashed in on this and this is how the conversation goes : ‘ Hallo , you there , Charlie ? ’
20 Gillian This is how the conversation went .
21 The most difficult aspect to explain concerning this capacitative mechanism is how the calcium content of the ER determines the rate of calcium entry across the plasma membrane .
22 Which , of course , is how the play is best known .
23 In the first case , this is how the choice appeared for people considering a £1,000 loan once they had all the information ( both ‘ total repayment ’ and ‘ APR ’ were explained ) :
24 Yeah it is this is how the Sun did it .
25 An example of radio-frequency interference or RFI — which is how the phenomenon is termed in industrial circles — occurred last year at the disabled nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania .
26 Certainly that is how the press , with a few exceptions , has treated it .
27 A conclusion which emerges clearly in the account that follows is how the addition of fresh elements can dilute the purity of the original concept , sometimes leading to unexpected results .
28 Women will continue to choose men — or men women ; each sex always believes it is the other which does the choosing — the man being a little older , a little richer , a little more decisive than the woman , for this is how the majority of the human race pairs itself off , and why the myth of female inferiority is so prevalent throughout the world — it being the direct experience of so many children in so many households that Daddy knows best and Mummy 's a fool .
29 Still more important from our viewpoint is how the state apparatus relates to its citizens .
30 This is how the Autocar & Motor How Fast , How Good data has been derived : 30–70mph indicates overtaking ability and is measured through the gears ; 30–50mph is recorded in top gear ( or fourth in the case of five-speed manual gearbox models ) ; 50–70 mph is recorded in top .
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