Example sentences of "[is] [not/n't] [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not that women are no good at chemistry .
2 It is not that students , or staff for that matter , lack ideas for what might be possible .
3 It is not that students will get turned off by being given unconnected dollops of philosophy and sociology , and it is not that bringing in specialists in philosophy and sociology will lead to an incoherent curriculum , although both are true .
4 It is not that writers invaded universities .
5 My message is not that teachers ought to quit complaining and make the best of a bad job .
6 It is not that teachers in our primary schools dislike teaching bright children .
7 It is not that boys go out on a Saturday night looking for milk bottles or other things to smash .
8 To an outsider , though , the surprising thing is not that Spain 's conservatives are inching ahead but that they are making such heavy weather of it .
9 It is not that Judas is actually betraying Jesus .
10 What is important is not that members of the capitalist class participate directly in the state apparatus , but that the relation between bourgeoisie and state is ‘ objective ’ .
11 It is not that Jesus himself was God and man in the special and quite unique sense that Christian dogma had so long maintained .
12 Whether or not that is the case , the problem here is not that Jesus was a man , but that this man has been considered unique , symbolic of God , God Himself- or whatever else may be the case within Christianity .
13 It is not that Jesus viewed women with ambivalence , but his emphasis on the superior value of the spiritual may have placed women more than men in an ambivalent relationship to the divine .
14 The keys of old harpsichords are indeed often seen to be hollowed ; however , what this suggests is not that Handel had been assiduously practising on it for many years , but rather that ( being at least loo years old when Hawkins saw it ) it had never had the keys replated. 19th-century scholars were intrigued by this tale , and more than a century after Handel 's death embarked on the quest to rediscover the instrument .
15 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed , but that there might be equality .
16 We all think it wrong to inflict pain gratuitously , but our reason for obeying this principle is not that others do .
17 The suggestion is not that Britain be turned into a glasshouse containing a mass of Disneylands and Mafia-run casinos ; merely that we take a serious and professional look at extending our all-year capacity to give people what they want .
18 But the problem is not that Britain has lost its empire .
19 What makes war likely is not that America and Iraq are not talking .
20 The point is not that companies are ideal mechanisms for making decisions which have important social effects ( in the sense that we would choose them for this purpose other considerations being equal ) .
21 It is not that Lee should in some way be forbidden to talk about white , male canonical authors , but a book such as this ought to suggest a greater awareness of the very issues it is summarising .
22 It is not that parents occasionally , and doubtless understandably , have to switch off the seemingly inexhaustible stream of ‘ whys ’ .
23 The problem is not that parents want to spike the afternoon but that they do not think .
24 It is not that Pan Am minded a rival going under ; indeed , Pan Am may now be able to raise ticket prices on east-coast routes where Eastern had offered big discounts .
25 It is not that Egyptians have found a sudden enthusiasm for Islamic fundamentalism ; a majority probably resents the terrorism that has chopped tourism in half .
26 It is not that Ukraine 's rulers are devoted to nuclear status .
27 The point then is not that reforms will necessarily fail in their objective of furthering the public good ( though this is normally supposed ) , but that interference in company affairs for that purpose is morally impermissible .
28 It is not that men in management — MIM s as they are labelled by the pages of popular business handbooks — are unused to talk of a corporate future marked by chaos , turmoil , and ‘ reality turned upside down ’ .
29 Spend two days in tour fatigues with this new , arena-compatible Nirvana production machine — ‘ I do n't know the names of most of the crew , ’ admits Dave — and it dawns on you that the overriding issue here is not that Kurt Cobain is on heroin ( or is n't , or was , or is and is trying to get off ) but that his wife is a Grade A pain in the arse .
30 The really depressing thing about the Middle East is not that outsiders have treated it badly , which is the tedious Arab refrain , but that there is so little outsiders can do to save it from its future troubles .
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