Example sentences of "[is] [not/n't] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the legal framework exists , there is not supervision of actual operations , the report says .
2 Maybe the reader 's first thought an experiment of my own showed that this is not misinterpretation in any simple sense .
3 There is not doubt at all that smoking can seriously damage your health .
4 There is not doubt at all that smoking can seriously damage your health .
5 Lord St John of Fawsley , chairman of the Royal Fine Art Commission , who , as Norman St John Stevas , was an early ministerial victim of Mrs Thatcher 's purge of the wets , has admonished the Prime Minister by reminding her she is not head of state ; treating her as such , his lordship suggested , would simply arouse public hostility .
6 It is not disturbance as such but uncontrollable disturbance which leads to uncertainty .
7 More than physical possession , in which , Proust says , one actually possesses nothing , Marcel seeks from Albertine reassurance concerning his own distinctiveness , his separateness , his individuality , and in Proust 's conception of love , therefore , failure is inevitable , because despite the conventionally unifying language of love , what we seek at the most profound level is not contact with another person , but contact with ourselves .
8 This is a very eroded descent but unfortunately there is not way of avoiding it .
9 In the case of alcoholic liver disease , this may be logistically impossible , since even if biopsy specimens could be obtained from alcoholics with normal liver blood tests to ensure the absence of occult disease , there is not way of predicing whether these patients will develop disease at a later date .
10 You might be able to have half a bicycle if you share it with somebody else , but there is not way of having a thirtieth of a bicycles .
11 It is not success in itself that matters , so much as the process of/earning how to create success , learning how to manifest our personal and global visions — learning how to live in a looking-glass world .
12 In fact , purists claim the big companies use so many the end result is not cider at all .
13 There is the negative peace of a phoney war or a balance of power , which is not peace at all .
14 But he is not master of the weather that howls outside .
15 Detail like this provides retrospective labelling , but it is not evidence about a historical period .
16 This conflicts with earlier reports that Cu(I) gets incorporated into ZNO in the methanol synthesis catalyst ( but as Couves et al write , ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ ) .
17 Mere dictation to a typist in the normal course of business is not evidence of excessive publication .
18 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
19 Now merely saying that is not evidence of any kind ( and may merely annoy those AI workers who program in languages other than LISP and do use flow-charts ) , but it does bring out something of the opposition between modules and levels that is the heart of the last part of this paper : flow-chart boxes are essentially separated from each other in ways like those that separate the modules of programs ; but program levels are not like that .
20 Convincing consumers to pay more for premium products is not evidence of a cartel : it is good marketing .
21 That is not evidence of a general trend .
22 There is not evidence of a systematic decrease in nutrients in the region .
23 But this is not evidence for an additional hereditary mechanism .
24 Again , particular accuracy is not evidence for general acquisition ( see Ellis 1985 ; Tarone 1983 , 1988 ) .
25 But equally obviously this is not evidence for conscious design .
26 It may be very very relevant to what happens to but with regard to your client , this statement is not evidence against him because his confession is admissible only against the maker .
27 It is not part of Stone 's business to look at the condition of working people , but the illustrations in the book reveal very little about the thought styles that the privileged brought to marriage and divorce .
28 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
29 The ECMT , which is not part of the EC , is widely regarded as an ineffectual organisation .
30 The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , which is the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many people are members of both .
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