Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 IBM is using it in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got volumes .
2 More likely he is using it in the more everyday usage of ‘ not sent or guided in any special direction ; having no definite aim or purpose ’ ( OED ) , which suggests that any such view of history must have no end , and therefore no teleology .
3 ‘ Nowadays somebody who uses the word nigger is seen as racist , whereas Biggles is using it in a neutral sense that 's no longer there . ’
4 Yeah i well he 's just distressed cos I think Gill 's phoning him in the morning and she said she 'd give him a lift to the hospital .
5 An explanation has a sharing function if the speaker is producing it in order to share his knowledge with other people , and so extend their understanding .
6 Erm so he 's keeping us in limbo really
7 I see , I mean it 's good to see really that er test match has been dom well almost dominated at the moment , by , by a slow bowler , it 's an ideal situation for in England , batsmen done their job , England are in command , got lots of runs to play with , but it 's definitely the left arm spinner who 's causing the , the greatest problem out there , he 's , he 's landing it in the right place , he likes variation in that over , confident enough looks very tempted , always very difficult to come in at first twenty minutes as a batsman , when you 've come in on a turning wicket , a very , very , difficult .
8 He 's sort of saying , he 's justifying it in , in a very Marxist way , he said this is our duty , what we 're doing is , is , is natural , it 's a process of , of his history you know that there 's nothing we can do avoid this and we should in fact be pleased to see th th this actually taking place , it 's er it 's not a question at all of , of the parents going , peasants going too far , it 's not er a reign of terror at all , erm in fact more than that it , it 's a sort of erm it , it 's not even retribution i it 's a , it 's a course of history .
9 I know she is going to need permanent care very soon — everyone 's urging me in that direction .
10 I 've contacted Armand Horowitz and he 's meeting me in Brussels . ’
11 ‘ He 's meeting her in seven minutes !
12 ‘ Gillian 's uncle is fetching us in his car , Brown Owl , ’ replied Carol .
13 You paying me in 'and , and Dennis is paying me in 'and and I 'll a er , thousand pound a week , the way that I keep getting these job offers .
14 In particular , the ERCs fail in some cases to rehabilitate the men and women who pass through them largely because it is not their physical disablement but their attitude that is handicapping them in returning to normal working life , and the ERCs are not really equipped to change these attitudes .
15 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
16 The benefit of this will be apparent when a force ten westerly has sent your brolly to Holland and is pummelling you in the face .
17 The Royal Bank of Scotland is suing him in the High Court to recover the money , which includes a £500,000 overdraft .
18 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
19 Employees in the leisure department have worked extremely hard to bring this prestige event to Stockton and we end up with a situation where the first person of the town is kicking us in the teeth . ’
20 The secret is holding it in check , rationing it , saving the best of yourself for the night , and as I scanned the running order in the lull before the storm , I still could n't decide on a personal favourite .
21 As long as people want to buy cakes which suggest that an old lady wearing a mob-cap is baking them in a Victorian farmhouse , the food firms will continue with dotty deceptions which add nothing to the nutritional value of our food .
22 he 's getting it in the gones .
23 Two five five , the reason why the Executive asked for withdrawal was because it 's moving us a bit too fast along this track , and it 's moving us in a particular direction before we 've had the time to think about whether that 's the right direction to go .
24 Never face discomfort till it 's staring you in the face . ’
25 It 's like it 's there and it 's staring us in the face but I just ca n't … ca n't access it . ’
26 If he is going down to defeat , as I suspect he is , he is doing it in style .
27 ‘ Have you heard Daisy Yates is joining you in Cas. when she gets back from holiday this week-end ?
28 ‘ They have suffered so many times in recent years and some think disappointment is staring them in the face again .
29 It is staring us in the face .
30 ‘ The need for the introduction of internment is staring us in the face , ’ Mr Maginnis insisted .
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