Example sentences of "[is] [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and Ruth says I commit myself to him , he will now be my god , and therefore your people will be my people , your home will be my home , your destiny will be my destiny the way is clear , she makes that greatest decision of her life , a decision that will affect the whole of her life but its not as say a life decision is a commitment now , we , we , we are always confronted , day after day we are confronted to make decisions , some of you make decisions and were not too committed about them , and if things alter they will change our minds , not just a ladies prerogative to change her mind , men do it as well and things happen and we think oh no well , I wo n't go through with that I 'll change my mind before its too late , but here Ruth she is not just making a decision , she is making a total commitment , a commitment that is worth time of the whole of her life , to promised to be loyal to de to Naomi and her deceased husband , she promises loyalty to Naomi 's race and the people of god , but above all she acknowledge 's Naomi 's god and her willingness to follow him to the end , you know this , how she finishes of this commitment where you die I will die its to the end its to the end of my life , I will not walk out of it and even after you 've gone mother in law , even after you are dead I am still committed to that decision , this decision I am making today where you die I will die , there I will be buried , and here she sorts of puts this solemn vow to this commitment , thus may the lord to do me and worse if any thing but death parts you and me .
2 It will be part of everyday life and that revolution will have been completed , and I think that 's maybe forty years , but it 's along time from the original discovery of the transistor .
3 Indeed , in the training industry the acronym CBT meaning ‘ computer based training ’ is from time to time reinterpreted to mean ‘ computer based trouble ’ .
4 142 ( 2 ) The obligation under a condition or of a covenant entered into by a lessor with reference to the subject-matter of the lease shall , if and as far as the lessor has power to bind the reversionary estate immediately expectant on the term granted by the lease , be annexed and incident to and shall go with that reversionary estate , or the several parts thereof , notwithstanding severance of that reversionary estate , and may be taken advantage of and enforced by the person in whom the term is from time to time vested by conveyance , devolution in law , or otherwise ; and , if and as far as the lessor has power to bind the person from time to time entitled to that reversionary estate , the obligation aforesaid may be taken advantage of and enforced against any person so entitled .
5 So it is in times of confusion .
6 Right , we 're talking about such a , all we got to look T I T the sine of X , and it 's plus times plus times plus , so it 's .
7 It 's at times like this you start to see things in perspective . ’
8 It 's at times like these that the brain cells slip into surrealist ‘ wavy picture ’ mode as you mentally conjure something with a 10 inch wide fretboard and a progression of thick wound strings tensed across it , creating monstrous internal forces and straining various components to breaking point .
9 IT 'S AT times like this when one begins to wonder about The Franks & Walters .
10 It 's at times like this that we say ‘ thank goodness for PR Sprays ’ , the convenient ‘ alternative ’ to ice which cools the skin and offers immediate relief to the pained area .
11 It 's at times like that you need your friends . ’
12 It 's at times like that you think of quitting the business and becoming a postman or a brickie — anything that 's vaguely normal . ’
13 ‘ Do you know , ’ he said , ‘ it 's at times like this I think there 's hope for the universe yet . ’
14 It 's been a difficult few weeks for the princess ; after a book on her life and marriage was published ; it 's at time like this problems with relationships or turning points , that many people consult Debbie .
15 For those reasons , banks ' clearest role is at times of crisis ; the firm needs their financial support , and they act to rally other supporters .
16 It is at times like this that I regret not doing a scientific 0-level and becoming a brain surgeon so that no one would ask me to wash up or scrub floors .
17 It is at times like this , I 'm afraid , that he becomes an English windbag .
18 It is at times like this when people begin to lose the true principles of religion as they become too involved and so wars begin .
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