Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In any case , the reasons for regarding the idea of numerical identity and that of numerical diversity as significant are not such as might enable us to decide unequivocally whether something observed on one occasion is numerically the same as something else observed on a different occasion , or how many ontological objects are involved in a given case .
2 ( v ) National claims summarize complex economic and social interests and classes , a coalition that is rarely the same in different times and places ; so ‘ nationalism , does not , in and of itself , indicate any self-evident aims .
3 This is not significant for less than three tracks , as it is effectively the same as a sequential search for one or two tracks .
4 Bannerware , for example , is effectively the same as Freeware .
5 The text editing software running on Dialtext is fundamentally the same as Intext but further developed .
6 Discounting variant examples of what is fundamentally the same tale , there are at least 127 fabliaux in the medieval French corpus .
7 ‘ She 's only the same age as Tommy but I think she 's already a good enough organist to start playing in church on Sundays . ’
8 Well , I said , it 's only the same as everywhere else .
9 So that 's twenty two years go , and ecstasy , I think 's only the same thing reoccurring .
10 Well really when you think , it 's only the same way as er laying the hose amongst your flower beds .
11 Well I mean if you had twenty or thirty that 's only the same only a little bit different , that 's all
12 not know it immediately but if I say , Well what 's X plus seven times Y minus five or it 's only the same it 's exactly the same rules
13 ‘ It will now be necessary to observe that animals are more frequently attacked by epizootic , endemic and contagious diseases than the human species because we are protected from these casualties by our Houses , Clothing and manner of Living , in short by all the precautions that reason dictates , whilst animals are deprived of all these recourses and are constantly exposed to dangers which we avoid by the above-mentioned precautions , besides their food and drink is constantly the same , which often is the cause of a fermentation in their blood which generally terminates in stubborn and fatal diseases .
14 This is basically the same anthropological journey pursued by Lévi-Strauss ( 1973 ) in Tristes Tropiques , which remains a suitable precursor for most of the current reflexive ethnography .
15 In Scotland the community charge reduction scheme is basically the same taking into account that the community charge was introduced was year earlier .
16 This is basically the same as Reverse Polish Notation as used on certain calculators , and follows directly from the stack based approach .
17 The engine shares a common block with the 3 litre and the pistons are interchangeable but will give a slightly higher compression ratio To go to 3 litres change the crankshaft and con rods for the 3 litre items It would be beneficial to change the camshaft as well to the 3 litre All the parts interchange as it is basically the same unit
18 This is basically the same sort of thing as the filled legs on a horse that has stood in .
19 The plot is basically the same — two opposites forced to share confined spaces while travelling across several US states to get home for Thanksgiving .
20 Some rebuilding was carried out in 1804 , after the earlier building had been damaged by fire ( see Shrewsbury ) , for it had timber floors , but the main block is basically the same as originally built , and is still in use .
21 Based on the portable 450 unit the R450 is basically the same tuner , only this time rack-mountable .
22 Luke , even though his order of material is basically the same as Mark , tries to give the impression that it was a longer period of time ( see Luke 19:47 ; 20:1 ; 21:38 ; 22:1 , 7 ) .
23 In case you have n't noticed , the tune is basically the same as the old one , but considerably jazzed up .
24 Growing tropical nymphaea is basically the same procedure as with ‘ hardies ’ providing you ensure the following :
25 Planting of standards and standard weepers is basically the same as far as soil preparation is concerned — the essential difference being that the plants have to be staked , and staking is something that has to be done properly .
26 As the regional data computed from individual WFS surveys in Table 3 show , though infant mortality is much higher in the developing regions than in the developed countries ( where the rate of infant mortality in 1982 was generally around 10–20 per 1,000 live births ) and , although it varies widely among the developing regions , the nature of the relationship of maternal age to the chances of child survival is basically the same .
27 ‘ You see , ’ Livings said , ‘ they all have part of what is basically the same building .
28 As the real FFL costs money , I think the Telegraph one which is basically the same game , but with slightly different rules to set your team up , is the one to follow for us .
29 The eye is basically the same shape as ours , but there is no lens and the pupil is just a hole that lets the seawater into the hollow interior of the eye .
30 This front is basically the same oh , as we had er
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