Example sentences of "[is] [adv] only [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 We might also usefully recall that to cross is not only to traverse , but to mix ( as in to crossbreed ) and to contradict ( as in to cross someone ) ; also that cross-dressing potentially involves both inversion and displacement of gender binaries .
2 The job is not only to describe , to say for example ‘ Sixty-four per cent of the land was planted with maize on 30 June ’ , but to make meanings and intentions plain .
3 So now the pressure on the broker is not only to do more business but to do it in exactly their way . ’
4 This is not only to do with the intellectual innovations that led to the idea of the first factual surveys through to the social psychological and , finally , to the explanatory surveys incorporating variable analysis , but also to do with what is indicated about the nature of society and social life .
5 Overall , the objective is not only to give prominence to the life and work of a highly original and much underrated communist intellectual and novelist , but also to scrutinise the example of Nizan as a guiding principle for action in the present .
6 It seems clear , however , that McGonagle 's aim is not only to create a centre for the traditional masters of modernism , but to display contemporary art which encourages an interaction with the public , connecting the gallery with the community rather than separating art from it .
7 The role of the regionals is not only to report national and international news if they are a daily , but to reflect what is going on in their area .
8 The need is not only to retain what is worthwhile of the old , but also to ensure the new is sympathetic .
9 The intention is not only to record the whereabouts of existing and established collections , but to make available to researchers up-to-date information about less well known groups of records , especially those still in private hands .
10 But the function of art history today is not only to make such identifications , but also to relate an individual work humanistically to other works of the same school , period and culture , while remaining sensitive to its salient aesthetic qualities .
11 ‘ My aim is not only to raise money but also to introduce the trust to non-members .
12 The problem is not only to apply this principle , but also to respect its limits , in relation to the facts of particular cases in the light of the authorities .
13 If a power of appointment , either in law or in fact , is vested in trade unions , the effect is not only to arrogate to them rights attaching only to ownership , but to establish them in this particular matter as the constitutional equals of Parliament .
14 The purpose of this book is not only to show how threats to our heritage can be successfully resisted but also to suggest ways of putting forward constructive alternatives .
15 The main purpose of the play is not only to show the murder of Claudius , but also , and more significantly , to show the character of Hamlet and the problems he has in accepting what he has to do .
16 The aim is not only to increase sales of these products , but also to encourage customers to buy other goods at the same time .
17 However , the aim of the week is not only to encourage cheesy grins , but also to ensure people have bright , healthy smiles .
18 But for Hugh , the challenge is not only to paddle across the North Channel , but also to raise money for Roddensvale Special Care School in Larne .
19 What makes the researcher different is that the purpose of making these observations is not only to become a member of the group but also to write an account of its way of life .
20 The aim of formalised , competitive intelligence systems is not only to bring all this information together on a continuing basis — perhaps using database techniques ( though as we shall see , there is still considerable scepticism about the cost-effectiveness of such techniques , when compared to manual methods ) .
21 It must never be lost sight of that the objective of an R&D project is not only to meet the target performance specification but , equally importantly , to produce and prove a design that can be manufactured efficiently and exploited profitably .
22 The counselling task is not only to understand what each individual is saying , but also to spot the differences , the possible areas of friction and incompatibility that exist within the family , and then to interpret and explain these to the family group .
23 Legal issues , like other technical problems , can only be properly understood within their broader social context , and this is especially so when our purpose is not only to understand the world , but to change it . ’
24 The role of the occupational health department is not only to provide a service to those who are unwell but to assist the employer to gain the maximum benefit from the labour force by maintaining and promoting health among staff , thus reducing absence .
25 There are many foods that are commonly not well tolerated , and the basic structure of the diet is not only to remove the calorie-rich foods that cause obesity , but also those foods that are commonly not tolerated .
26 What is crucial for the Government is not only to help provide jobs but to be seen to want to be doing that .
27 The role of women 's publications is not only to inform about products , events and issues of interests to both women and men , but to discuss styles of living .
28 The role of speciality publications is not only to inform , but to build enthusiasm for a particular interest or activity .
29 Searching is limited to the use of the printed index , which is usually only to plant names .
30 Indeed , where studies have provided this information , it is typically only to note that the majority of the sample were white ( for example , Wilson , 1987 ; Graham , 1987b ) .
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