Example sentences of "[is] [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are no positive guidelines for structure or design , and in that respect there is little that this book can contribute , other than to illustrate those impressive examples we have seen .
2 It 's possible that 1992 will be a year for sprinters .
3 From any clutch it 's possible that one or two would n't hatch , and if food was short a little chick might be killed by an elder sibling ( or by its mother so that the stronger chick would survive ) .
4 But by the time you read this , it 's possible that one manufacturer will have really stirred things up by announcing a sub-£500 pen computer running Microsoft Windows for Pens .
5 We often ignore intuition , when it 's possible that intuitive responses are our past experiences lodged in our unconscious minds .
6 It 's possible that some other minor eruptions occurred between 1681 and 1883 , but if they did , there is no record of them , and all of the reports and descriptions made by ships passing Krakatoa suggest that it was quite dormant .
7 His lace assumes a natural look he 's able to sit up and breathe more normally and for a time seems well My dear Dr Dunstaple , perhaps you could explain to us why , if the symptoms are caused , as you seem to believe , by damage to the lungs or by a poison circulating in the blood and depressing the action of the heart … why it 's possible that these symptoms should thus be suspended by an injection of warm water holding a little salt in solution ? "
8 In unfair dismissal cases , it is understandable that industrial tribunals tend to shrink away from complex arithmetic .
9 John Anderson , principal hydrologist with the Tay River Purification Board , is emphatic that any attempt to hold back the irresistible force of the Tay is doomed to failure .
10 It 's strange that two quite different words can mean the same thing .
11 It 's strange that two quite different words can mean the same thing .
12 In other words : it 's understandable that those rich bastards vote Tory , but why should anyone who is n't rich do it ?
13 ‘ We have important league and cup games coming up next month in addition to national squad weekends , so it 's understandable that some of our players do n't wish to take their chances in a club fixture , ’ said the Quins ' press officer Alex Saward yesterday .
14 It is absurd that Western citizens should give money to help victims of apartheid in Mozambique and Angola , only to find their own elected governments undermining that work by continuing to trade with South Africa .
15 Deputy Editor John Bryant said : ‘ It is absurd that any newspaper should ask the Office of Fair Trading to raise the price of another newspaper , particularly at a time when all the qualities are losing circulation .
16 It is absurd that French Railways can raise funds for new investment in the City of London , when British Rail is not allowed to do so .
17 IT IS shameful that some people are saying Britain should not give sanctuary to refugees from the civil war in Yugoslavia .
18 It is strange that that point is being made because of a shift of about 1,000 votes in a constituency .
19 ‘ It is strange that most companies insure property , plant and equipment against damage or theft as a matter of routine .
20 It is strange that those who wish to discredit the reliability of the Bible sometimes seem to have such strong faith in the reliability of other ancient records !
21 ‘ Master , ’ I touched him on the shoulder , ‘ it is strange that these messengers stop at the same convent where the Lady Francesca was educated .
22 It is ironical that one of the definitions of ‘ professional ’ given in The Shorter Oxford Dictionary ( 1975 ) is ‘ applied to one who follows , by way of profession , what is generally followed as a pastime , as a p. cricketer ’ .
23 It is ironical that one of the most beneficial developments of the war years , the Representation of the People Act of 1918 , should have occasioned so much party opposition .
24 Given his initial thought that properly established geometrical results would not be disputable , it is ironical that this claim led to lengthy and acrimonious argument , and brought Hobbes into some disrepute .
25 From a rural development point of view it is preferable that such industries have a family or community labour base and that the initiative for their establishment comes principally from the community .
26 My Lord I think it 's right that that it 's clear from the discussions I 've had with Mr that the plaintiff is going to be in the witness box for some considerable time and I think if your Lordship 's had an opportunity to read the witness statement , seen the areas of dispute , the nature of the the fact that arised and had a look at some of the documentation , it would be much er er a much speedier process than it would otherwise be .
27 It , it 's , it 's right that that this should be brought up anyway , Mr .
28 While it is undeniable that that system has had a dramatic effect of the development of the market it is incorrect to assume that it is the only one which is influencing it .
29 While it is undeniable that Robbe-Grillet'– early novels are indeed capable of being read as essentially modernist texts whose narrative strategics consist in the representation of a distorted perception of reality , nevertheless , ‘ retrospectively ’ , they can also be considered to demonstrate reflexivity .
30 It is undeniable that large-scale production can be technically more efficient , and so following an analysis detailed by Williamson ( 1968 ) we need to consider how the previous result is affected if , after monopolisation , production takes place with lower costs .
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