Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Again if the order is unopposed it-is necessary to prove its Preamble .
2 If one looks across the channel , as some of us have , and sees the way in which the matter is approached there , it is humiliating to consider what has gone on in Britain over the past few years .
3 ‘ It 's humbling to think our music can make people feel better in such a terrible situation . ’
4 This happens because marketing personnel are more concerned with what the customer desires , rather than whether it is practicable to give him what he desires .
5 Nikolai Demidenko is certainly the name on everyone 's lips these days — his extensive marketing and publicity has paid dividends — so it is refreshing to see him tackling repertoire which deserves to be recorded properly .
6 While there is no doubt that fascist organisations like the National Front have attempted to recruit members from the ranks of football hooligans , there is little to connect them with violence in the game ( Popplewell , 1986:59 ) .
7 There is little to remind you of anywhere else .
8 There is little to suggest which the mice prefer , and cages are chosen to suit the management system and the scientists ' preference .
9 Mechanically , it works almost as well on land as it does in water , so that providing a creature can find a way of breathing , there is little to prevent it walking straight out of the sea and up the beach .
10 If you sold the whole you know it 's possible to sell you know it 's it 's done .
11 It 's possible to get it , whereas nobody can control , I think , cancers .
12 It is unnecessary to say anything about the reason why leave to apply for judicial review was granted except to say that the whole or part of the reasons in each case went to a complaint that the particular composition of the disciplinary tribunal gave rise to an appearance of bias .
13 Since these forms of compulsion are not directly relevant for present purposes , it is unnecessary to elaborate them ; but I think it pertinent to observe that the concept of duress has in recent years been expanded to embrace economic duress .
14 However , it is unnecessary to examine them in detail since in our view the questions posed in the certificate must be answered in the negative and on that ground alone this appeal must be allowed .
15 In Ex. 17 ( a ) and ( b ) the layout is so obvious that it is unnecessary to print them in score .
16 Apart from the fact that the 1908 legislation was commendable and is still valid , it is unnecessary to repeal it , because the European Community directive is intended to establish minimum standards .
17 It is unnecessary to feel our way forward in ignorance on all fronts …
18 ‘ He can excuse himself by showing that the escape was owing to the plaintiff 's default ; or perhaps that the escape was the consequence of vis major , or the act of God ; but as nothing of this sort exists here , it is unnecessary to inquire what excuse would be sufficient .
19 Railway embankments are a favourite because there 's little to disturb them as they forage through adjoining gardens for food .
20 the word ‘ accent ’ is used elsewhere to refer to different varieties of pronunciation ( e.g. ‘ a foreign accent ’ ) ; it is confusing to use it for a quite different purpose — to a lesser extent we also have this problem with ‘ stress ’ , which can be used to refer to psychological tension .
21 It 's cruel to make me suffer like this !
22 And so is that instant of anticipation when it seems that two bodies must collide , brutally , and one is helpless to stop it .
23 SHELL , which is due to report its 1992 results later this week , will be forced to write off £131 million through adverse foreign currency dealings involving a Japanese associate company in which it holds a 50 per cent stake .
24 He is due to conduct his first such service in the Capital in July next year .
25 Wedging itself in between Texas Instruments Inc 's announcement of the Tsunami Sparc chip on October 9 ( UX No 406 ) , and Sun Microsystems Inc 's expected introduction of the first Tsunami box on November 10 , MIPS Technologies Inc , now a wholly owned subsidiary of Silicon Graphics Inc , is due to upgrade its 64-bit R4000 chip to the R4400 this week with a major performance boost .
26 Police say the only light is that a psychologist , appointed by social services , is due to interview him and may find out why he steals and be able to recommend a workable deterrent .
27 Detectives believe the pensioner , who is due to celebrate her 100th birthday next month , was repeatedly punched in the face by her attacker who probably escaped through the bedroom window .
28 At the time of writing the National Curriculum Council is due to publish its guidance document on Citizenship as a Cross-Curricular Theme .
29 Euro Disney 's pre-launch advertising campaign kicks off in the UK next week , three months before the resort is due to open its gates on April 12 .
30 A new university is due to open its doors by September and a £2m scheme to revamp Stockton High Street is already underway , with an improvement scheme planned for Thornaby .
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