Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 We can now not only see why in such sentences one feels an implicit predication with respect to a support but also get a clearer view of why to is used before the infinitive : its role here seems to be simply that of indicating that the infinitive 's support is situated in time before the actualization of the infinitive 's event .
2 And the framework people use to make sense of their experiences is developed over time and so has strong connections with the past .
3 " Sustainable development can be achieved , but only if irreversible degradation of the environment is halted in time " , the Prince said .
4 At its simplest the didactic element is shown in the way action is halted from time to time so that the author can explain , in plain , precise detail , a point of navigation , ship 's structure or deck organisation .
5 It is also not uncommon to find that the projection used to map a particular phenomenon is altered from time to time .
6 The major aims of scheduling are to ensure , so far as possible , that work is completed on time and within budgeted costs .
7 She will sail gently round the course in today 's race to score what points she can , while a replacement spar is completed in time for the climax of the series , the 630-mile Sydney to Hobart race which starts on Boxing Day .
8 Work is completed in time to allow students to apply for degree and diploma courses in the Faculty or in other institutions of Art and Design .
9 it 's raining in time for us to go to school , come on
10 Poised to begin his ‘ real work ’ as a missionary among the wretched of the earth , a holy man at last , he is paralleled in time with Tolstoy .
11 The scheme may well now be complete , but revision is recommended from time to time and thought must be given as to how this might be achieved .
12 In addition , it is supplemented from time to time by statements of practice or policy issued by the Panel .
13 A degree is no shortcut to the acquisition of the essential practical skills ; experience is won by time and application :
14 However , a major difficulty in ensuring the effectiveness of any support scheme is to reach in time the small proportion of the population least able to cope with their crisis .
15 Management , in contrast , must be a continuing process — always ensuring that the best use is made of time , human resource and money , taking up some slack , reinforcing successful practices , reviewing the state of staff development and offering encouragement : " Successful implementation needs continual support .
16 Taking the Side of the Other is revealed over time , as individuals react to the changed rhetorical conditions produced by historical change .
17 There is nothing to stop the parties agreeing , after a dispute has arisen , to refer their dispute to an expert for his determination , and this is done from time to time , in the same way as arbitration agreements .
18 Next consider the situation when a switch is closed at time to connect a steady e.m.f. to a series circuit comprising just capacitance C and resistance R. In these circumstances Kirchhoff 's voltage law gives and taking the Laplace transform with the aid of relations ( 11.20 ) and ( 11.31 ) , the corresponding equation is obtained .
19 The skilled interviewer has to establish a fine balance between being receptive — allowing the client to relax and talk freely — and being in control — so that the client is guided into talking about fruitful areas , and also that the interview is closed on time .
20 The first thing a Minister has to do , then , is negotiate for time with the Leader of the House .
21 The Middlesbrough group of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society is racing against time to save the TV time lord from an enforced break by his masters , the BBC .
22 Cultural capital is based on time invested in obtaining certain kinds of knowledge .
23 One point of contact between institutionalised writing and the social situation , for instance , is that the ‘ text ’ has a communicative function and so one can ‘ talk meaningfully of a sender/addressee , a message , a receiver/addressee , and a purpose ’ ( ibid. ) , even if the communication is not face-to-face and the audience is attenuated over time and space .
24 Here , in Mixed Life , he relates that individual experience of Christ in every man to the Christ who transcends individual limitations and is expressed by the whole body of those in whom he is born in time through their knowing and doing : It is precisely because of these " sundri wirchynges " in the lives of individuals dictated by their particular talents and circumstances that discussion of active and contemplative life tends to polarise life-styles which are then also subject to evaluation in which contemplation is more highly esteemed simply because it relates to a greater state of spiritual awareness .
25 Of course , any ethnographic study is bound by time and place .
26 The same message is coming over time and time again : man 's activities are destroying the planet , and the environmentalists are the most likely people to save the planet .
27 On the trains no problems , East Midlands Airport say everything 's running to time , in the city centre no huge delays anywhere , on the motorways they 're all okay as well , on the A One there 's major work just started on the roundabout , that 's the er five lanes end roundabout affecting southbound traffic , there are long delays there in peak times , that 's at er five lane ends , the work there on the A One just started , that 's the Roundabout , southbound traffic is being affected , there are long delays there .
28 He served notice of his intention to table a radical report on how the EC is run in time for the meeting of the 12 leaders at the Lisbon summit in June .
29 This world of change and conflict , however , is not just a chaos but is governed throughout time by a principle of order or balance of opposites , keeping them within their due bounds .
30 Answer guide : Straight line — asset usage and wearing out is governed by time and is equal over the assets life .
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