Example sentences of "[vb infin] make them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Those constructing future policies and principles should strive to make them exemplary in this regard , not least because of the encouragement this will give to schools to be rigorous in their own thinking .
2 They , or something like them , are admirable and important and we must strive to make them political realities , but they are not in themselves law and nothing is gained by pretending that they are law .
3 Historic buildings would stay but need much work to make them safe , while an ‘ ugly legacy ’ of derelict property and fences require demolition , a major task .
4 We had no doubt that if there was the slightest suggestion that the statements differed materially from the evidence given by the witnesses the learned trial judge would have called for these statements and examined them himself and if necessary would have made them available to the defence .
5 They shared with Foxton the misfortune of coming into existence at the beginning of the motor car era , and whatever miscalculations may have been made in the construction , there was for all of them no way of gaining the large amounts of traffic that alone would have made them profitable .
6 They were therefore keen to demonstrate the board 's usefulness tot hose they represented and this may have made them reluctant to accept a model of training which did not produce immediate and tangible results .
7 Over a thousand men stood in a formed square on a muddy field somewhere in France , wondering if twelve weeks of training and ten days of ‘ acclimatisation ’ could possibly have made them ready to face the might of the German forces .
8 Moreover , while the Soviet Union welcomed the chance to help Egypt and other revolutionary Arab states to evict their old colonial masters , it did not wish to make them strong enough to become independent of itself .
9 Thinking about unpleasant symptoms will tend to make them worse .
10 ‘ Also , leaving dogs alone in a yard will tend to make them aggressive and anti-social . ’
11 Do n't want to make them suspicious . ’
12 Do n't want to make them suspicious . ’
13 I think erm most of the points as I 've said before , have probably been made and I do n't want to make them any more but I would just make one other when we 're talking about means tested it 's interesting that you 're advocating means testing in that way .
14 And even if , I repeat their findings were valid , enough unchallengeable evidence would remain to make them immaterial .
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