Example sentences of "[vb infin] on to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It can clip on to your trousers .
2 But why latch on to him as the father of her child ?
3 The dna molecule is composed of the string of compounds called nucleotide , having four bases attached to them : A C G T. What is surprising about dna is that A and T will cling together , and so will C and G. A single dna chain , immersed in a pool of nucleotide , will latch on to its counterpart and thus be able to duplicate itself when the double chain is split apart .
4 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
5 And that 's the logic of the issue , but it wo n't work that one , but at least we 'll hang on to what we 've got , I hope .
6 Agents were pondering whether they should n't ‘ hang on to thee rights , and wait for the time when they 're equipped to sell them , ’ as conference chairman Tony Feldman put it later .
7 So resolute are they at keeping hold of one another that even if you pick up the mother , her babies will still hang on to her in a wriggling furry rope .
8 Martin Rosenbaum , the family adviser , added : ‘ This very narrow decision by the court shows that the Government can hang on to its defence of corporal punishment only by a hair 's breadth . ’
9 Erm , but W P continued to er , hang on to its market leadership in virtually every centre and erm , despite the difficult year managed to launch er , several new titles .
10 Martin Rosenbaum , the family adviser , added : ‘ This very narrow decision by the court shows that the Government can hang on to its defence of corporal punishment only by a hair 's breadth . ’
11 They are my only remaining close family and though I wo n't hang on to them I have worried about feeling lonely .
12 And , if like me you believe that dreams come true , you should hang on to them .
13 What , what I try to do I just hang on to them till somebody shouts .
14 And then they 'll just hang on to them
15 She was fastened to a nylon tape , which we stuck to the vehicle ; we filmed her close up and , wherever possible , I would hang on to her leg .
16 The airlines clearly believe that they can hang on to their lucrative business market despite evidence from France that high speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences .
17 The fictional film had guaranteed that the showmen would hang on to their audience .
18 Frank looked from one to the other , and then , addressing himself solely to Peggy , he said , ‘ You 'd better hang on to something , Peggy .
19 Embattled Norman Lamont will hang on to his job , at least for the time being .
20 The outgoing Lord Mayor , Ulster Unionist Herbert Ditty , was today anxiously waiting to see if he could hang on to his threatened seat in the Court electoral area .
21 And I suppose it was instinct that had made me hang on to my thermometer ; the delicate tube was still in my hand .
22 The balance I have put towards something for us both — a new continental quilt for our bed here — and I got a king sized one , as JOHN always seems to get it all , but this may be big enough to let me hang on to my side .
23 One of the biggest films of the coming year should be Dracula — and if you can hang on to your book token for a few weeks , it will be worth your while waiting for the publication of Bram Stoker 's Dracula — The Film And The Legend ( Pan , £7.99 ) .
24 Should you hang on to your cash or clear your debts ?
25 ‘ Can I hang on to it for a while ? ’
26 I 'll hang on to it anyway erm so that it 's safe , you know ?
27 I think , well we 'll hang on to it and then they can send us a reminder ca n't they ?
28 In that case I 'll hang on to it but I really think she ought to , actually I 'll I 'll take round there when I 'm home .
29 Right , now this is steep hill so I 've got to go slowly and hang on to you tightly so th buggy does n't run away from me .
30 Resting her elbow on the table , she let her head fall on to her hand , and again she thought of voices .
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