Example sentences of "[vb infin] to [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Presumably the working class were voting for the Labour Party since they saw it as their party and did not need to incentive of a party machine .
2 There is n't a list so that you will need to sort of think it through .
3 This tale of developers who never learn would appeal to Bank of England Governor Robin Leigh Pemberton , who warned in May 1987 about too much property lending .
4 Finally , I should refer to Bank of Credit and Commerce International S.A. v. Aboody [ 1990 ] 1 Q.B .
5 So what what could you do to kind of
6 There are some studies indicating that these autoantibodies may contribute to lysis of colon epithelial cells through antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity ( ADCC ) mechanisms .
7 We conclude that ( 1 ) reactive oxygen species are generated in increased amounts in inflamed mucosa in patients with ulcerative colitis ; ( 2 ) these increased values of reactive oxygen species may be an important contributor to the tissue injury in ulcerative colitis ; ( 3 ) the most likely cellular source of reactive oxygen species in ulcerative colitis is the neutrophil ; ( 4 ) a likely culprit in the tissue injury is a product of the myeloperoxidase reaction , namely hypochlorous acid ; ( 5 ) arachadonic acid pathways , including cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase , probably do not significantly contribute to production of reactive oxygen species by the inflamed mucosa .
8 Our continuing history of genocides could escalate to suicide of the species .
9 I 'll try and look to sort of student access erm , total theoretical will have , erm , some of your own transcripts by then .
10 Clark and White , whose expedition was kicked out of the country last autumn , say that there is no justification to these claims , Johanson goes further and blames ‘ a campaign by three or four people who would like to sort of smear our reputation , to do whatever they can ’ .
11 Kerry would you like to sort of sit over there or something ?
12 Now I 'd just like to sort of This is a This is not very clear on here but I would just like to bring out This is an accident which happened down in Kent about two years ago now .
13 I 'd just like to sort of show you And th this is a
14 And er I 'd like to sort of thank Jan on your behalf and all the other people for taking the trouble to , to organize this scheme and get things rolling because it , it will be a little financial benefit to you when you renew your insurance , so thanks for that , Jan .
15 For my benefit would you just like to sort of give me a quick rattle through as as as to what you intend to do .
16 Erm so right , if you get something then where you 're integrating I 'd like to sort of have a little practice this week of Have you done much practice of differentiating a product ?
17 Right , right , would you like to sort of start getting yourselves into the other room .
18 A brick , it 's that it 's wood , it 's wood wood , would like to sort of feel it ?
19 there I would n't like to sort of say .
20 Now if you get a situation like that I mean the key question is do people actually want to change in this kind of way , or would they at least like to sort of experiment a little bit in the way they handle a group of children ?
21 Curiously , when you ask them how they would react to deletion of the procedure of inviting criticism of their draft reports from the regulations , their response is along the lines of : ‘ If we were not required to do it we would probably carry out a similar course of action unofficially in order to ensure that we had not missed an important point . ’
22 This specialisation of function would also apply to ownership of aircraft .
23 Do not apply to sale of shares .
24 I mean the decision is yours and you may find You may wish to sort of take take things very slowly and very gradually .
25 So I see evaluation as a very democratic activity , which allows people perhaps to appreciate each other 's viewpoints a little more than might otherwise be the case erm and does n't pretend that people all feel the same about things , but at the same time it does n't attempt to sort of countermand the realities of the situation that , you know , each person ca n't go their own sweet way , there have to be quite a lot of collective decisions and people have to recognise where the majority opinion is , but at least they do it from a standpoint that erm where they feel their own value still has some worth and is still being recognised .
26 I mean why do people have to kind of , if , if , if we accept for a minute that there 's something in this analogy , this model that Freud is talking about , why do people have this compulsive need to repeat like this , why do they have to repeat history ?
27 Yes I think that 's something we would have to kind of balance up is , is that kind of making
28 Did he have to kind of sort of did he look on that as a profession to do beside the farming or did he
29 Cycle parking is actually I wish they 'd actually pay a bit more places to actually put your bike and you did n't have to sort of tie it up to some lamppost or something
30 I mean we 'll , we 'll obviously have to sort of keep a , keep an eye on all this all the way through
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