Example sentences of "[vb infin] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The main problem , at least on the first night , was that too much of the dialogue was overplayed — Lochhead recognises that you do n't need to soup up the Scots speech to make it funny , or poignant or significant : it 's all already there in the words , but if they 're spoken too self-consciously they end up sounding like rather forced one-liners .
2 Presumably the working class were voting for the Labour Party since they saw it as their party and did not need to incentive of a party machine .
3 There is n't a list so that you will need to sort of think it through .
4 In fact , it is unlikely that you would ever need to side-slip without full airbrake unless the airbrakes became frozen or jammed .
5 In the course of this book , we shall appeal to evidence in the psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic literature which offers insights into the way in which discourse , produced in describable contexts for recognisable purposes , is processed and comprehended .
6 This tale of developers who never learn would appeal to Bank of England Governor Robin Leigh Pemberton , who warned in May 1987 about too much property lending .
7 On 6 October the Scottish Sunday Mail revealed in an excellent piece of investigative journalism that , in a draft letter to the Secretary of State for Energy , the Secretary of State for Scotland had made it clear that he would not object to fuel from an Iraqi nuclear reactor , damaged during the Gulf war , being sent to Dounreay for reprocessing .
8 If we assume no tax being paid on earnings , but paid instead on spending , few of us would object to VAT on general goods being increased .
9 In what follows the interpretative dimension will come alive only on the next layer of the problem , where we ask whether social rules and institutions account for the performance of social roles , or vice versa , In other words , we think international institutions too fragile to permit a fully systemic answer on the highest layer and so incomplete that an answer which favours the international units must yield to curiosity about how these units work .
10 Dad did n't speak to Mum on the phone , and he did n't see her , knowing that this was for the best in the long run .
11 ‘ We 'll speak to Dad in the morning .
12 Lee Jang-lim , 46 , said the faithful would ascend to heaven in a ‘ rapture ’ on October 28 as Armageddon struck the world .
13 The aetiology of hypertriglyceridaemia in Type I diabetics subsequently controlled and established on insulin is less clear but would appear to centre round the control and activity of lipoprotein lipase .
14 The core of the difficulty faced by duty-based controls lies in the fact that ‘ profit maximisation ’ , even ignoring questions of time-scale , does not refer to behaviour with any definite , objectively identifiable , content .
15 The proposal does not refer to sponsorship as such , but it does state , in convoluted Euro-language , that ‘ a ban should therefore be imposed on such indirect forms of advertising which while not actually mentioning the tobacco product , use trade marks , emblems , symbols or other distinctive elements associated with tobacco products …
16 The Minister will probably also refer to availability to colleges and educational establishments of access funds to alleviate instances of hardship .
17 Finally , I should refer to Bank of Credit and Commerce International S.A. v. Aboody [ 1990 ] 1 Q.B .
18 And feeling does n't refer to emotion as such .
19 I do not think this experience is confined to women , but it symbolizes something of the quality of the Great Mother , and it shows how we have the ability to conceive and carry to birth on a level other than the physical .
20 So what what could you do to kind of
21 What must we do to firm up the opinion of those who almost support us ?
22 Coupled with the exit of some vital players , it was as much as Neath could do to paper over the cracks and keep winning .
23 There 's only so much you can do to jazz up articles on the efficacy of heart tapping in achieving full blood drainage .
24 It can also contribute to congestion on the roads , various forms of pollution , and rising house prices if there is a demand for second or holiday homes .
25 Increased thromboxane A 2 production may also contribute to thrombogenesis in atherosclerotic vessels .
26 There are some studies indicating that these autoantibodies may contribute to lysis of colon epithelial cells through antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity ( ADCC ) mechanisms .
27 Via central training departments and other inter-authority groups specifically designed to assist training , such as Local Government Training Boards ; funding/staffing library departments , sometimes being directly responsible for the allocating of funds on training ; and by funding other organizations that may ultimately contribute to training in libraries .
28 Martin Woodcock 's paintings of all known cotingas are generously proportioned and The Cotingas is an inspiration to any adventurous ornithologist looking for areas of study where he might still contribute to science by straightforward observation .
29 Belching cows , paddy fields , melting permafrost , leaking natural gas pipelines — all can contribute to methane as greenhouse gas .
30 Thus diminution of prostacyclin production and stimulation of platelet aggregation both mediated by lipid peroxides could contribute to thrombosis on atheromatous plaques .
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