Example sentences of "[vb infin] a little [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Providing he can install a little discipline , the next governor may also be able to take the credit for cleaning up Arizona 's politics .
2 Please let us know a little bit about you , your personal circumstances , how you scored and what course , job or career you are now following .
3 So I have that advantage , that er , I do know a little bit about you .
4 The trainer , who sent out Generous to win two Classics and the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond Stakes last year , is looking for a replacement and although Magic Ring may fall a little bit short of that high mark , he is a most interesting contender for the major three-year-old races .
5 I thought you might need a little help chasing that dog . ’
6 We advertised , in fact , for people who wanted to smoking but could do with a little help , because I really do think that women do need a little help , a bit of support to do this .
7 Once you 've stopped dieting your periods will return , but you may need a little help if you want to have a baby … ‘
8 To recognize implications you may need a little knowledge of the topic , so familiarize yourself with the information by reading your notes or textbooks .
9 They may need a little time to think about it , but they 'll try most things once .
10 He was hugely enthusiastic about this work and telephoned M. Chaillot , who said he was interested in principle but would need a little time to think about it .
11 I 'd need a little time .
12 Do some children need a little freedom from their over anxious/ambitious parents ?
13 ‘ Tommy does need a little love , ’ said Mrs Channing .
14 The monster looked at him and , realizing what the policeman was thinking , growled slowly , ‘ If I want to tear people to pieces , I do n't need a little stick . ’
15 But the existing offspring may benefit more , may need a little bit of extra milk , so the existing offspring may try to erm , demand more milk , or at least milk for longer than the mother to supply .
16 As a matter of authenticity , and given that the appointment had been made two months ago and that perhaps Mr Gajdusek might need a little reminder , she took the letter from its envelope while , his touch again tingling , again gentle , he smoothed some cream over her bruises .
17 She said you 'd need a little break after all this bother . ’
18 That way she could buy a little warmth and cheer for Christmas and how would he ever know that she had lied ?
19 You can buy a little thing
20 I might buy a little business , maybe a newsagency — pipes , tobacco , a few books , stationery , fishing tackle .
21 And occasionally if I was really flush , I 'd buy a little cake for another tuppence you see .
22 There is an element of humour in this story as the eleven-year-old girl , brought up by a cynical , unloving father to be arrogant and self-sufficient , is helped by the bracing company of Dick and his holiday companion Hugh Vallens to relax and enjoy a little fun .
23 ‘ I do n't see why I should n't enjoy a little privacy , since Adam invited me . ’
24 This kind of bravura performance is only legitimate if the context and music allow the dancer to ‘ steal a little time ’ .
25 So after a while the wolf became bored , and decided to go and catch a little pig for his supper .
26 Supporters of the reforms ( by no means all of whom are Tories ) argue that the new curriculum will introduce a little rigour into the soppy world of sand pits and colouring books .
27 It does lack a little bit of sharpness this one .
28 I think a bit more contrast added to it would help it does lack a little bit of contrast .
29 Erm yeah I , I , it 's the idea 's there but I think it does lack a little bit of impact .
30 I said a bit , and I never let him know , I thought I 'll wait a little bit until he go so he says to me , he says I bet you do n't know why they put the damper in just before they 'd put the , bring the ball out do you ?
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