Example sentences of "[vb infin] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But if the world radio community accepts the plans outlined by the home secretary , the BBC 's assignments will stay the same width .
2 If you have not time to bake the cakes you must scent a piece of gingerbread and give him that , and it will answer the same purpose . ’
3 Do you do anything special on a Sunday or do you eat the same kind of things as you eat a normal day ?
4 Professor Garrow 's studies show that a 10-stone woman who has just lost 20lb can eat the same amount — without gaining weight — as a 10-stone woman who has always weighed that amount .
5 And design your dinner so that everyone can eat the same thing and enjoy it — with the recipes below , even the greediest red meat-and-potatoes man will feel he 's had his fill !
6 But you can imagine running your household on that kind of a system , supposing you got the whole food basket , and supposing it was adequate , could you make your children eat the same thing day after day , after day after day .
7 Example 3:11 Option to renew ( 1 ) The tenant may by notice in writing served not less than six months before the date on which the term hereby granted is expressed to expire call upon the landlord for a further lease of the demised property ( " the further lease " ) provided that up to that date he has paid the rent and reasonably performed and observed his covenants ( 2 ) The further lease shall be for a term of ten years from the said date upon the same terms and conditions as this lease ( save as to rent and as to this option for renewal ) and at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( 3 ) In determining the rent payable under the further lease the arbitrator shall have the same powers as would be enjoyed by the court determining a rent for the demised property under section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and shall disregard the same matters as are therein specified ( 4 ) This option shall be of no effect if the tenant fails to register it as an estate contract within three months from the date of this lease Example 3:12 Option to renew contracted out tenancy If : ( 1 ) the tenant wishes to take a further tenancy of the demised property for a term of five years from the expiry date of the term hereby created ; and ( 2 ) the tenant gives written notice of his desire to the landlord not more than six nor less than three months before the expiry of the term ; and ( 3 ) up to the date of the notice the tenant has paid the rent and substantially performed his covenants ; and ( 4 ) the tenant joins with the landlord in making an application to the court for an order authorising the exclusion of the provisions of ss24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in relation to the further tenancy ; and ( 5 ) the court makes such an order then the landlord shall let the demised property to the tenant for a term of five years from the expiry of the term hereby created at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by arbitration and otherwise upon the terms of this lease ( except this option for renewal ) Example 3:13 Clause negativing perpetual renewal Nothing in this clause shall entitle the tenant to renew the tenancy for any term expiring more than twenty years after the beginning of the term of this lease
8 You ca n't almost die and remain the same person you were before .
9 And if everything is expanding , at the same time , then relatively speaking it must remain the same size .
10 The course is divided into two sections : 3 hours specialised tuition , where students will cover the same work as outlined for Executive Court I. The other 2 hours will be classes taken with students on our Short , Intensive General English Courses ( Maximum 6 students per class ) .
11 ‘ Walk A is the longest and hardest option covering eight miles and a 3,000 feet ascent while at the other end of the scale a D class walk would cover the same distance but ascend just 1,500 feet . ’
12 After all , in many cases and , perhaps , in the case of Euramco transactions , a restitutionary remedy and a compensatory remedy will cover the same ground .
13 Their relative goodness of fit can not properly be judged because the hypotheses do not cover the same input .
14 Penny 's range is very impressive , and there can be few scholars who could cover the same material with such authority .
15 A manor did not necessarily cover the same area as a parish ; indeed , parishes sometimes contained two or more manors and the boundaries between the two institutions often overlapped .
16 Mr. Miller , of whom I must always retain the highest sense , both for the Knowledge I have received from his Labours , and more particularly that Friendship and Communicativeness with which he always treated me , was blessed with a more favourable Situation in the progress of his Experiments , by enjoying the kind Influence of the Sun ( the parent of Vegetation ) in so high a Degree as to have the Vine in full ripeness on the natural Wall , without the assistance of Art ; and could we all experience the same Felicity , I need not have communicated my Observations or my Countrymen wanted an other Tutor …
17 The assumption appears to be , therefore , that women do not experience the same degree of loss as men do when they retire from paid work .
18 A key development in the first few months of life is ‘ joint reference ’ : the ability of a young baby to follow mother 's eye-gaze in order that they can jointly experience the same event .
19 Situations vacant , in Westminster Press there was an increase in the south er , in volume terms , in the southern divisions , not in the northern divisions but then the northern divisions did n't experience the same problems with sits vac and are much more profitable .
20 They do n't experience the same problems socially or finding cultural events to which they can really relate .
21 Lord Caplan said : ‘ A parent who loses a young infant will experience the same sense of loss irrespective of whether the injuries causing death originated shortly before birth or shortly after birth . ’
22 Any " uncompetitive " region ( i.e. nation ) of the union that does not undertake and succeed in reducing differential unit ( and particularly labour ) costs will experience the same pressures commensurate with a current account deficit .
23 But now that you are reaching voting age and puberty , and will inevitably soon experience the same condition , I must tell you that my penis is fluorescent green and that I have five foreskins .
24 Computer graphics should now make the same kind of inroads into feature film production that they already have in television .
25 We could make the same kind of comment about the lyrics : the predictable rhymes ; the clichéd phrases ( ‘ South of the Border ’ , ‘ stars above ’ , ‘ my thoughts stray ’ , ‘ she was a picture ’ , and so on ) .
26 We could make the same kind of case for clusters of compatible genes building the different parts of eyes , ears , noses , walking limbs , all the cooperating parts of an animal 's body .
27 Is it that would they make the same kind of comment to one of their male students , like ‘ that 's a nice jumper you 've got on ’ , something like that ?
28 Now it so happens that we can make the same substitution of forms in an otherwise completely different sentence , producing an exactly parallel change of meaning :
29 Why then does America make the same request ?
30 If the surveyor states that the property is most definitely not worth the agreed price and the building society will not advance you the money you need , you have three choices : abandon the property and look again , or go to another building society and hope that another surveyor will not make the same judgement , or go to your vendor 's estate agent , explain the situation and hope that the vendor will drop the price .
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