Example sentences of "[vb infin] on [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cornelius would remain on at school until real work could be found for him .
2 Would I stay on at night to go over some sales figures ?
3 Secondary education is compulsory up to the age of 16 , and pupils can stay on at school for up to three years longer .
4 ‘ That you can stay on at Sleet as long as you like , but with the new owner , should he wish to take residence there .
5 You must stay on at Casa Sciorto , Caroline … ’
6 Some will ‘ get the taste ’ of fresh water by moulting on freshwater lochs in Shetland , raising hopes yet again that this attractive duck will one day stay on to nest in Shetland .
7 No doubt some will stay on to summer in Shetland and encourage us to hope that some day it too may be found nesting .
8 In a mild winter where snow cover is not prolonged , chaffinch and brambling from the Scandinavian forests will stay on to forage round the crofts .
9 And make-up wo n't stay on without powder .
10 ‘ This produced a pretty farcical scene really with us both stopped on the track , but I managed to get away and hang on for second .
11 Mr Patten , you remember , was the Tory chairman who masterminded the campaign of lies , smears and false promises which helped his party hang on to power .
12 With his connections , there was still a good chance Balestre could hang on to power .
13 Well , I , will , you know , I mean , will carry on as Chairman , but I , I 'd welcome competition in the post if anyone 's interested
14 The nest was built whilst the truck was in use , so the bird must have been patiently waiting for it to return after each journey so that it could carry on with nest building .
15 Fix it up for me to fly from there if it suits or I could carry on by train . ’
16 However , the Teams are always looking for new ideas which they can work on in partnership with local groups and individuals .
17 I have my first sittings at 8.30 am , and then I have my meetings ; I dictate in the afternoon to my secretary , and I might work on till midnight .
18 I hope therefore that however much the cards seem to be stacked against us , feminists will keep on about language .
19 More cash for the technological preparation for NET , the Next European Torus that will follow on from JET , the Joint European Torus which should be switched on in May .
20 For Camus the sky was a source of sustenance that he could draw on at will ; for me it is a thwarted promise , yearned for and glimpsed against the odds .
21 What languages did they draw on to fracture the earlier consensus and what historical forces enabled them to orchestrate their campaign as a national protest ?
22 This the speaker can draw on in order to relate new information that s/he wants to convey to elements that are already established in the context .
23 Within each of these varieties , there is a range of styles which the speaker can draw on in conversation or for other types of talk .
24 Er that 's briefly enough on sport , I 'm gon na move on to entertainment facilities now .
25 And not content with berating Strauss he must move on to Hofmannsthal-bashing — an all too familiar exercise by those who read no German and are unable to find themselves moved by this sensitive poet 's imaginings .
26 This subject needs a great deal of careful study and thought but , with this outline , let us move on to look at the experience a bereaved person might have of the church when someone close to them has died .
27 Let's move on to look at another fairly dramatic infection which is a case of diphtheria .
28 With out boat 's painter trailing in the shadows behind us , let us now move on to look at what I have called the detective novel as opposed to the detective story .
29 The form of intonation has now been described in some detail , and we will move on to look more closely at its functions .
30 I will now move on to look at one chapter from Alice through the looking glass .
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