Example sentences of "[vb infin] only [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This means that plant breeders who try to create higher-yielding or disease-resistant varieties by selection or hybridisation from existing varieties can make only limited progress ; the genes they need are simply not found in the cultivated populations .
2 This Minotaur was imprisoned in a labyrinth beneath the Palace of Knossus and , as it would eat only human flesh , each year seven handsome youths and seven beautiful maidens were sent in to the monster 's lair to meet their doom .
3 The pressure groups are urging consumers to choose a less damaging bulb , and are hoping that their campaign will prompt bulb-traders to organise " green " bulb production which will need only minimal spraying .
4 Speaking to The Art Newspaper of his client as ‘ an important , refined , knowledgeable collector ’ , he says that it is Lloyd Webber 's intention to ‘ buy only world-class art already in Britain with the aim of keeping it here ’ .
5 There are two main methods of measuring costs : one can either include only public expenditure costs , or one can also include opportunity costs .
6 All Thumbs will do only essential mending , and even that tends to be unpleasant , since the poor results just confirm their feeling that the whole area is a minefield .
7 But Central Office could exert only informal pressure , since it could neither bully nor bribe its local supporters , and this is exactly what Steel-Maitland set out to do through his district agents .
8 McLeish instantly understood the man 's nightmare but realized he could give only qualified reassurance .
9 A light prism gives a practical example of how the same object viewed from different standpoints gives different images : one person may see only white light while others see all the colours of the rainbow , yet both perceptions are true to reality and not figments of distorted imagination .
10 Usually the statute would provide only limited guidance on the question of genuine grievance , and the court would have quite a bit of freedom in deciding which grievances were genuine .
11 The findings presented here can provide only indirect evidence about any possible adverse effect of cimetidine on motor neurone disease .
12 He said better-off council tenants living in better properties in desirable and expensive areas would pay higher rents , while tenants in poor properties in cheap areas would face only modest rent rises .
13 Some areas can meet only high priority claims , whereas other areas can meet low and high priority claims but have no money over .
14 However , the right of establishment does not imply only physical location in the country of establishment , but also that this must have taken place with a view to pursuing an economic activity .
15 Whereas the Chinese would take only clear amber and the Dutch had a preference for it , the Russians went for cloudy amber .
16 Since that time the Halifax Building Society and the Bank of Scotland have become Appointed Representatives and in future will sell only Standard Life 's products through their branches .
17 Ruskin argued that art must not exist for itself , but for its subject , nature — ‘ All Great Art is Praise ’ — and to express and enhance society , so that a worthless society could produce only worthless art , and vice versa .
18 As Chalongphob Sussangkarn of Thailand 's Development Research Institute points out , even if all primary-school pupils go on to secondary school from now on , ‘ there will still be 70% of Thailand 's workforce in the year 2000 who will have only primary education or less . ’
19 The Clow Committee had recognised there would be practical problems : the quarterly cycle of meter reading would make it difficult to concentrate the higher charge on the crucial months of December , January and February when demand was highest ; in really cold weather or if coal remained in short supply it would have only limited deterrent effect ; and off-peak demand might be adversely affected .
20 The history of the 1970s and 1980s suggests that this approach — a ‘ supply-led ’ strategy — will have only limited success .
21 However , it is by no means certain that either of the established parties would agree to change since they would be bidding away long-term electoral advantage in return for a short-term in office in a coalition government in which they might have only limited power .
22 It can be of higher breaking strain than the kiteline itself , as weight and drag will have only minimal effect on performance .
23 In an extensive review arising from IGCP 61 Kidson ( 1982 ) has concluded that the search for a universal eustatic curve should be regarded as over ; that regional differences in changes in the geoid mean that eustatic sea level curves can have only regional validity ; and that no part of the earth 's crust can be regarded as wholly stable .
24 Some Koi-keepers will feed only vacuum-packed food from Japan , while others prefer to buy the cheaper UK product in smaller amounts and use it up quickly .
25 For many years caterers could obtain only dried pasta .
26 The proposed assembly will allow only simple rotation ( ie a revolute pair ) , while the pin is not aligned with the slot .
27 Here , where our main focus is on policy , some debates can receive only limited analysis .
28 Even an experienced dealer would offer only limited advice .
29 Precedent , however , suggests that his comments will offer only cold comfort to Mr Jiang and Mr Li .
30 Until very recently IT systems could handle only explicit information .
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