Example sentences of "[vb infin] your [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even after you 've received your payout , you can guarantee your family a second payout on your death , simply by carrying on paying the premiums .
2 The reason for this is that the sooner you can pursue your debts the greater will be your chances of recovery .
3 I hear you did n't have er , you did n't enjoy your liver the other day ?
4 You can then begin afresh and show your classes the latest lines and colours .
5 Let me borrow your coat a minute , I jus , I do n't know if he 'll do it , he usually does it if you 're wearing something like that coat .
6 I 'm gon na borrow your husband a minute sit on the floor .
7 ‘ I understand how you feel , but I think it would do your sister the world of good to come face to face with reality for once . ’
8 It will do your head the world of good .
9 As summer draws to a close , some plants are still cropping , others need winter preparation and , suggests Joy Larkcom , a green manure will do your soil a power of good
10 But it could do your confidence the world of good .
11 We 'll chart your progress every step of the way , from initial enquiry to transfer of title .
12 So I 'll leave that for you to play with and erm I better give your mum a shout because I should have gone by now .
13 Well if you do it 'll give us a chance to find out whether he 's coming home today or tomorrow , and it 'll give your mum a chance to get back to Southwold
14 And the worst thing you can do is give your skin a short period of intensive exposure to sun — exactly what we go in for when we jet off on our summer holidays .
15 That 'll give your skin a good chance .
16 You can give your child the language she needs to make sense of the experience .
17 It will definitely give your child the edge when they start to learn word processing at school .
18 DANGER : Do n't give your child an easy ride — the trolley could topple over
19 So why not give your curtains the treatment they deserve ?
20 Some dealers have machines — the best of which is the Keith Monks model — which will give your discs a brisk scrub for around £1 each .
21 Well I 'll , I 'll give your parents a ring then .
22 Yet artists do have political responsibilities and some of your critics might suggest that living , as you do , so close to the border in Northern Ireland , you should give your stories a more direct , political context .
23 Every 4th or 5th shampoo , apply a penetrating treatment to really give your hair a boosts .
24 You should also give your client an indication of how long the appointment is going to take .
25 It is very important not to drink early in the pregnancy , but even if you give up drinking later it will give your baby a better chance .
26 This will give your teacher a better view of your own understanding of those ideas .
27 Now you can give your imagination a rest .
28 The easy-to-follow and entertaining stories will give your pupils a richer and more meaningful context for language practice .
29 Shall I give your brother a kiss cos you sat on him ?
30 I thought it would give your mother a better chance to assess the situation if she spent a night at Chimneys . ’
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