Example sentences of "[vb infin] me [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want me to you two now ?
2 Do you have a tit do you want me to your a title do you have er ?
3 ‘ Did you want me for something in particular ? ’
4 ‘ But you do n't want me with you , Charlotte !
5 ‘ Do you want me with you , sir ? ’
6 ‘ Do you want me with you ? ’ he offered .
7 stop the tape because it does n't want me on it .
8 ‘ Oh , you do n't want me in it , ’ protested Rosie .
9 That does n't make me like him ! ’
10 It does n't , it does n't affect me like my dad says it should .
11 Maybe something will happen that will liberate me from your clutches , so I do n't have to produce your boring designs and do n't end up bankrupt paying your money back , either ! ’
12 Do n't treat me as one . ’
13 I do feel vulnerable when I go out though — people do n't treat me as someone special , they laugh at my size . ’
14 Sebastian 's driver would deliver me to him .
15 Oh Shrimpy made me laugh me about it cracks me up like !
16 Do you think me like them ?
17 He/she will compare me with them and find me wanting .
18 Silvio would bill me for everything from handkerchiefs for your nose to aspirin for your fever . ’
19 Could you direct me to his rooms ? ’ she asked .
20 I am not going out of my mind , she thought , and if , at the moment , the outside world does not recognise me for what I am , my sister knows she has only to speak a word here and there , to take a decision , and who will listen to me ?
21 you can trust me with 'em , not them , I 'll have them , they wo n't
22 Would you trust me with it ? ’
23 all very high mucky muck stuff and they would n't trust me with anything but at least I did the copying work on it .
24 ‘ Why did you introduce me to him , Madame ? ’
25 ‘ Wo n't you introduce me to your friend ? ’
26 ‘ You did n't introduce me to anyone else either .
27 You can introduce me as your bodyguard … ’
28 ‘ So he can stay and assist me with my enquiries . ’
29 So , I 'd an appointment in town at the hairdressers and for a legwax and that you do n't want to let yourself go I do n't want him to get back and catch me with my knickers down and my nail varnish all chipped …
30 Er right okay well I 'll tell you what , I think erm people are coming to see me until about two or three or so but erm if you come a bit after three you 'll probably catch me on my own
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