Example sentences of "[vb infin] time [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These doctors are busy and it can take time to arrange examinations .
2 But it will take time to put Berlin together again .
3 Stephen Clapham , an analyst at Hoare Govett , said : ‘ It will take time to cut costs in the acquisitions , but they look sensible on an 18-month basis . ’
4 For best results , do take time to prepare surfaces properly you plan to paint or paper .
5 As a matter of course , all teachers should have a good dictionary available in the classroom , and should take time to show pupils how to use it .
6 Most of the party leaders were in any case inherited from Balfour and it would take time to find men of the new stamp , even if this were possible .
7 He had n't thought about himself , but with Tom taking on another farm , a farm that would one day be his own responsibility , it was hardly likely he would have time to take care of Seb too .
8 The good readers , in contrast , seem to recognise words so quickly that the beneficial ( or harmful ) effects of context do not have time to take effect .
9 They had a lot of gardening and planning to do and Mary did not have time to visit Colin that day .
10 John believes that women of the 90's do n't have time to spend hours fussing with their hair .
11 For one thing it gives me the opportunity to write to you , and also I must have time to draw breath and come to terms with this astounding piece of good fortune that has befallen me .
12 The final act of betrayal by William 's ministers was committed when they failed to call Parliament within twenty days of his death ( a violation of the Act of Security of 1696 ) , so that the Privy Council would have time to declare war on France without facing opposition from the Scottish Parliament .
13 During the ferry crossing you will have time to purchase duty free goods .
14 We do n't have time to play games .
15 And criminals are warned that from then , they wo n't even have time to tell police it 's a fair cop .
16 But really , I think , it 's the case that , in this job , you do n't have time to develop obsessions , what with the insane turnover , and all the incentives to pluralism .
17 Politicians do n't have time to read screeds , so you have to give them short , pithy things to look at , We were doing all this anyway , of course , but the chaps at Barton , including Andy , are working on it much more effectively since we were able to say definitely that the DTI civil servants were agin them .
18 Pity I did n't have time to make bouillabaisse .
19 I mean some people adopt the approach of trying to d do it all in about two hours just before the deadline so they do n't have time to feel self critical erm I think perhaps if you can , you know , rather than , rather than trying to do it all at once I mean the business of , of going through successive drafts of things and gradually getting them better and better , I mean the first drafts of things that I write are , are usually just scribbles on the back of a piece of paper that 's , with something else on the front
20 She rang the Sunday Herald number , placating her conscience with the thought that she might not have time to ring Tracey that evening after all ; but when she got through to the news desk , she discovered that he had taken the shuttle to Glasgow the morning before .
21 Nevertheless the essential social situation remains they same — they are marginal and disposable as workers , they are isolated , even more than women with young children who do n't work , for they do n't have time to meet others in parks and playgrounds , and they have the stress of simultaneously minding children and working .
22 Emily sighed with relief , she must be alone , she must have time to think things out .
23 If you do not have time to prepare breakfast it should not matter .
24 To fulfil her role properly , she must have time to prepare sessions and keep up to date with a wide range of subjects .
25 They do n't have time to verify stuff , a lot of the time they just put it out and it turns out to be false .
26 As you wake up in the morning , you may hear yourself say , ‘ If you go back to sleep , you wo n't have time to have breakfast .
27 As it is especially important in these languages to stress the right syllable the language learner must devote time to practise stress sufficiently .
28 Did n't she even want time to think things over ?
29 Would she ever find time to paint wayside flowers again ?
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