Example sentences of "[vb infin] him [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 And the Substitute had better be with me — tell Bacci he can take my car down to Florence , I do n't really need him and the Substitute can take me back with him …
2 The new WBC champion said he ranked Bowe among the best heavyweight fighters today , but was ‘ confident ’ he would beat him if the two met .
3 In any event , knowledge within the firm of the identity of the intermediary 's client may not identify him if the salesman or perhaps the dealer concerned did not know either that the intermediary was acting as intermediary or the identity of the client ; this is a Chinese wall-type question .
4 He 's got dog to walk tonight cos we could n't bring him cos the car was full of gear .
5 The only day I actually wan na see him and the bastard 's on leave .
6 I fear he will be too late , but Dettori can enjoy the consolation of knowing that Sangster rates him ‘ on a par with Pat Eddery , Willie Carson and Steve Cauthen ’ and will still employ him when the situation allows .
7 Constance did not understand him but the last word , strangely rhythmic and warm to her ears , stuck in her mind .
8 I can not give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that he seeks that I will agree with everything that the Edwards committee has recommended , but I can certainly assure him and the House that I will respond positively to the recommendations .
9 I 'll fire him after the speedboat race is over .
10 He does this because of their naivity ; they are more honest about their thoughts and feelings , and do not judge him as the adults do .
11 No , they had no warrant , but they could take him and the boat back to Oban , where a warrant could be obtained No objection ?
12 If Nevil did come back , even if he was giving away religious tracts , she 'd castrate him before the doorbell had stopped ringing .
13 Leaving aside the phrase that the hon. Gentleman attributed to me in the early part of his question , I can reassure him that the budget for the health service will be £3.7 billion , an increase of £342 million , or 10.1 per cent .
14 He knew himself to be a magical dropout , so it did n't bother him that the mere appearance of a hero at the city gates was enough to cause retorts to explode and demons to materialise all through the Magical Quarter .
15 Once he had Garry back with Berenice he would n't give a thought to the Adams twins and she would forget him and the time she had spent hunting Garry and her sister through the Northumberland countryside .
16 Later , however , I did tell him that the meeting had been a disaster and that if he thought it had mollified the press in any way he was greatly mistaken .
17 Will he also tell him that the first priority must be to reform the common agricultural policy , to remove the losses from fraud which occur within that policy and , especially , to bring about a successful conclusion to the GATT negotiations ?
18 When my right hon. Friend sees the new Irish Prime Minister soon will he tell him that the biggest contribution the Irish Republic can make to peace , stability and reconciliation in Northern Ireland is to renounce its claim to sovereignty over Northern Ireland , as that claim encourages Irish Republican terrorism and gives it legitimacy , as well as being the strongest stumbling block in the way of all-party talks aimed at constitutional progress ?
19 That represents sixty percent of secondary schools and seventeen percent of primary schools and despite the er endeavour to which he refers of Essex county council , I can tell him that the latest school to decide to hold a ballot on such status is Notley High School , Braintree .
20 So I 'll tell him that the fire will be on .
21 Brahe works on the CERN accelerator ( which the novel assumes to be completed and functioning ) ; his experiment involves close and constant watching of the monitor which will tell him when the ‘ event ’ has taken place .
22 To the contrary , there is a growing , glum chance that events will pass him and the European Community by , for the speed of change in Eastern Europe — an East German head of state deposed on Wednesday , a Czechoslovak Prime Minister gone yesterday — has a bewildering momentum that quite outdistances the ability of any Council of Ministers to react .
23 He comforted himself with the fleeting thought that at least he had met Sir James Selkirk , who had found Alexander III 's corpse , and wryly concluded he would question him if the opportunity presented itself .
24 Though he was bound to give priority to Italy and to the Hellenistic East in his negative analysis of Roman rule , it did not escape him that the barbarous West was involved in the crisis .
25 Though brutish and simple , he was by no means stupid enough to fail to recognize what fate would await him when the rebels broke in .
26 When archaic figures of this type first became known they were called ‘ Apollo ’ , and it may be that they have an early association with his worship , but certainly not all can represent him and the non-committal ‘ kouros ’ is preferable .
27 ‘ The senator obviously just wants us to drown his children so they ca n't embarrass him when the time comes to run for President , ’ she told me next morning .
28 May I remind him that the London Arts Board , which has just taken over from Greater London Arts , is settling down well to the work of funding arts associations throughout London .
29 of course goes on about what he always goes on about and er I would remind him that the supplementary estimates which is in the amendment here , is also in the amended motion which is proposed by the Conservatives and had all party support on every committee that it 's come to .
30 I should remind him and the House that the Government set up Her Majesty 's inspectorate of pollution , for which we got no credit whatsoever from Her Majesty 's Opposition .
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