Example sentences of "[vb infin] at a [det] " in BNC.

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1 In the following sections , I shall look at a few examples of each type of problem with some illustrations from my own work .
2 Before going on to consider more problematic aspects of semantic constituency , let us look at a few more examples of the recurrent semantic contrast test in action .
3 We shall look at a few examples now in which simple geometries will be considered .
4 Let's look at a few of these confusing clouds and their real meanings .
5 Let us look at a few Elizabethan towns in more detail , starting with York , the secular and ecclesiastical capital of Northern England , a county town and large commercial centre .
6 Well let's look at a few examples I 'll take the Korean war of nineteen fifty to fifty three , the Cuban missiles crisis which , although was not an actual war , very nearly threatened a nuclear war , of nineteen sixty two and the Vietnam war of nineteen sixty three to nineteen seventy two .
7 Erm , let's look at a few quotations .
8 And I thought we might look at a few of them .
9 ‘ It 's serious ! ’ said Robert , ‘ and Rafiq and his boys wo n't stop at a few groans this time .
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