Example sentences of "[vb infin] at [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , where landlords were entitled to determine a twenty-one year lease " at the expiration of fourteen years if they shall require the premises for the purposes of a business carried on by them " it was held to be sufficient for them to show that they would need at least part of the premises before the date on which the lease would otherwise have expired by effluxion of time ( Parkinson v Barclays Bank Ltd [ 1951 ] 1 KB 368 ) .
2 I wondered if we could look at particularly customer relations producing some sort of voucher worth fifty pound or hundred pound or twenty five pound and er we have a stock of those printed up you know
3 complete the final role play and come back here at five to three and we 'll look at then step two .
4 The argument that the position of the Phillips curve depends on inflationary expectations may provide at least part of the explanation for the empirical breakdown of the original Phillips curve in the late 1960s .
5 The pharmacokinetics of morphine may provide at least part of the explanation , but there are too few data to justify the editorial 's subheading ( morphine-3-glucuronide does not , by the way , bind to opiate receptors ) .
6 Parchment and vellum should be approached with great caution , since they are not likely to respond to ordinary cleaning methods ; but the firm Archival Aids , of High Wycombe , Bucks , which specialises in the safe treatment of early records , has marketed a non-abrasive powdered rubber which may be applied with safety and will remove at least surface dust and dirt .
7 General Marshall and his colleagues in the joint chiefs of staff believed the United States must occupy at least part of Korea in order to increase American power in the postwar balance between American and Soviet interests in the Far East .
8 AGF may eventually gain at least part of Fondiaria 's stake .
9 ‘ I wish I could walk at least part of it , ’ she said wistfully .
10 I could perhaps put at least part of it in very homely erm and perhaps somewhat banal terms by saying that five minutes spent waiting for the person one loves may seem like five hours , whereas five hours spent with that person may appear a mere five minutes .
11 There are , for instance , mnemonic devices in oral cultures which offer some resistance to this process : ‘ formalised patterns of speech , recital under ritual conditions , the use of drums and other musical instruments , the employment of professional remembrancers — all such factors may shield at least part of the content of memory from the transmuting influence of the immediate pressures of the present ’ ( 1968 , p. 31 ) .
12 That issue has been sharpened even further by the fate of the millions of Jews murdered in Nazi extermination camps — a fate for which centuries of Christian anti-semitism must bear at least part of the blame .
13 Amnesty International has , however , released details of individual accounts to ‘ illustrate at least part of what has occurred ’ .
14 ‘ In the name of humanity and civilisation , the Government should accept at least part of the international burden , ’ he said .
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